The perfect example of a good game let down by its hardware. The controls are great and the level design is solid, but playing this on an AppleTV consistently has frame drops (frequently dipping to single digits), abhorrent resolution and occasional crashes. I get the distinct impression that if this were on PC and Consoles, these issues would be significantly improved and we could have a genuinely great little game here. I was impressed, but I'd advise waiting for a potential escape from Apple Arcade hell before playing.

There's lots of good things about this game. I think the story and presentation are pretty cool, the atmosphere of war-torn Cybertron is overwhelming (in a good way, helps with immersion), the vocal performances are strong, music's pretty cool, and you can play as Starscream. But the gameplay itself is surprisingly dull, with levels that feel like they go on forever and bizarre difficulty spikes that do not feel balanced in the slightest. Especially you, Trypticon.
I hear Fall of Cybertron is much better, I look forward to that. Grimlock is in that one, so I'm sure I will like it.

A fun collection of some largely mediocre titles. A built-in save state and rewind function is appreciated, and it's honestly really neat that these games got a rerelease at all. There are some bizarre omissions, though. I understand that it's meant to be a collection of "Classic" Jurassic Park games (so games that came out between the film's release and The Lost World), but even under those restrictions it's missing a few. Notably, this collection has most of the versions of the top-down Jurassic Park game (NES, GB, SNES), but not the PC or Master System/Game Gear Versions. Also not present is the Sega CD point & click game and most glaring of all, the Sega Arcade game. I can't help but feel like for most people, that arcade game would be the main appeal for a collection like this, especially since to my knowledge it has never seen a rerelease. It's be like if the TMNT Collection didn't have Turtles in Time.
Gripes with the selection aside, this is a nice enough Collection Title. I didn't have any issues with the emulation, there are optional filters if you prefer that CRT feel, there's a music player for every game (side note, none of these games feature any rendition of the film score, which is strange), and the UI does a decent enough job replicating that classic JP1-era aesthetic. It's a bit bare-bones, but servicable enough. I'm glad I bought it.

1. Jurassic Park Part 2: The Chaos Continues (Game Boy)
2. Jurassic Park (NES)
3. Jurassic Park (Game Boy)
4. Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition (Genesis)
5. Jurassic Park (SNES)
6. Jurassic Park Part 2: The Chaos Continues (SNES)
7. Jurassic Park (Genesis)