Developed around the same time as Sonic 2, CD has a very different design philosophy to 2 and is sort of the sequel to the original in its own way.
I have certainly grown to appreciate this game more and the problem with most people I feel is that they think the large labyrinthian levels and the focus on exploration and multiple ways to reach the goal is bad, when it is isn't, its just different and that's fine, it certainly adds quite a bit of replayability to the game especially with the time travel mechanic.
The soundtrack bangs ofc and the levels look pretty good for their time and I believe what they set out to do with the game design, they did execute it well.
Its a different kind of Sonic game, and if you are fine with these straying from the general design philosophy of the sequels, then yea you should check it out.

Reviewed on May 12, 2024
