Sweet and Short is how I would describe Lip Trip. An VN which I was quite curious since SukeraSumero pitched the whole Omegaverse setting with the game announcement. For one it's an almost uncharted territory within yuri standards. To my knowledge we see it more explored with manwa, which two examples that comes to mind are "Spiteful Affection" and currently ongoing "Your Scent is a Little Sweet". Both expressing their own takes into the whole Omegaverse setting and what it can offer from different sorts of values, or some ancient folk tale thought-out.

Back to the topic on hand, SukeraSumero also has their merits designing an Omegaverse setting inside an office daily life environment where all can follow along without the need to stop the story in order to explain every single concept that pop's up. But rather are brought up as depicts values and struggles within society norms, ended up being quite endearing to my eyes to the way it was all presented.

The only caviar I leave out of this review is the length, cause while I do love a lot of what I got. I would be lying if I said I wouldn't prefer it to breath for a little longer. Luckily the addition of Chigusa Minori works as saving grace, and I hope with their next project they let cooking longer. Thus, it sums my thoughts with Lip Trip.

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Being a while since the last time I read a VN, so decided it would be "Tokyo Necro" a tittle which I've being thirsty to try it out since it got translated on March. Needless to say it became one of my favorite Nitro+ tittles. How it throws a mesh of ideas altogether and the fucking commitment to make it work is phenomenal.

Setting up the world into an ice age cyberpunk future japan, an hopeless land infested of living dead, threatening by necromancers. And only our fellow dead stalkers shall bring light to our so longed tomorrow, yet to come. For no surprises here, Tokyo Necro is imbued with themes and dualities which progressively escalates.

From creating it's own UI packed with tridimensional views, immersive boot up and countless maneuvers beautifully bending their visuals. Felt as some sort of toxin was attached to my brain, while showcasing LMD imagery to what I witness within at the cost of my own eyesight getting worse.

As more info dump is compiled and archived. The merrier Tokyo Necro world unfolds their branched paths, architecting it's database filled with questions yet to be answered. An intertwined maze so to speak, expanding as the harsher content unfolds doubting it's morality and exposition.

I can't help myself but feel amazed how presents their dualities regarding human nature to it's core. Leaping on Tokyo Necro rabbit hole, and definitely not my uncommon fixation upon life and death speaking louder than my words. But an thoughtful process orchestrated within their emotions

Speaking of which, I love the contrast between Ethica and Souun during the fully 3D animated fighting scenes work. Giving a clean view from their distinct personalities upon making use of the full potential their budget weaponry provide. As successfully strive prior undead elimination agenda, on top of all the blood splashes though the screen with their life's practically on edge.

From one side of the spectrum we have our serious and gloomy protagonist Souun, committed to the job as he wields his dual pistols at each hand. With the assistance of his EX-brain he is able to enhance his capabilities re-eliminating the undead. Almost makes you think he is a machine from his lack of expressions, but only on the surface level.

While on the other hand Ethica shows sheer guts as she maneuvers though the battlefield holding her chainsaw on one hand, and her daring shotgun on the other. Harboring stubborn commitment not to use her EX-brain due her gripes with her old man, are reason to applaud as her herculean feats makes up for her reckless actions.

Fully 3D animated fighting scenes were a delight to experience though the whole course Tokyo Necro provided. The first aspect which baited me in from the unavoidable brain damage due sheer excitement, combined with rapid-fire inputs though the EX-brain visor. And let's not forget how music plays a major role as well. On the side note tho, I heard FMDM presents similarities, but giant mechs instead. So I'm curious to play into an inner future.

I guess it's pretty obvious by now that Ethica is my favorite character, so where should I start? Ethica trajectory, development and her all being is so real and grounding to me. Which not only give us some great character drama though and though, but raises discussions humanity left within this world due their visionary advances. In the end what truly means to be alive in a ice age world surrounded by death?

Every step she took I was there cheering out of joy, on beauty and the ugly Ethica carried that flashy smug though the whole course never giving up of being herself so passionately with her usual bravado. Just the good old Ethica, as she would say while bringing trust on grief. Earnest due powerless, and being that ray of sunshine who evokes hope though despair.

It's to what she stands for that makes her who she is, as Ethica's obsession living her life at her fullness without regrets left behind. Spreading her words with affection, but carrying some bittersweet as the deeper content unravels and tries to change who she is.

Ethica's chainsaw is symbol of her everlasting rebellion within the grudges from her past, harboring hatred and rush when the motor ignites an octave higher. Gloom and defeat when snap in half, only shows is way more than a cool way to mow down zombies.

If wasn't enough already. Ethica on top of all that is also one of the best well written lesbian characters I have witness. As gives us a flesh out take I never knew that desperately wanted. Yuri fans are for a treat, I say that much as a big Ethica fan and everything about her fascinates me.

As I mentioned before I'm a huge fan of the discussion/dualities that comes upon life and death. To my surprise it's not as straightforward bringing up the weigh loss, nor value life holds within loved one. It's more dissect, not holding back when showing it's dark content filled with cruelty and unsettling thoughts.

But at the same time brings emotions in to play considering our given setting wearing a morbid look with death knocking at your door. There is no right nor wrong, but there is however the engrained role necromancy plays out into Tokyo Necro. As a pivot witch purpose is to bring dead back to life at the cheap cost of their emotions.

From grudges the once dead brought back to life, or redemption due their sins when were living. It's a full platter constantly falling deeper into the rabbit hole, as chipping out your brain venturing though where the bottom stands among these forbidden acts within human comprehension.

But at the same time left me with an uplifting mood, as behind all the gore and atrocities being committed. As these character seek out their own humanity within this isolated and frigid world, though a psychedelic kaleidoscope imbued with endless sensations what is feels to live.

Mizuchi is a story I had such a good time with. It really felt something diferent, be about its culture or how words can mean many things as well. All the endings were really important the build up of the true endings. How characters develops their feelings and how passionate both True endings turns out to be. All around such a sweet and lovely yuri vn, with fantasy and full of love.

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I never felt such tearjerking moment as I felt with Oshirabu. Be by all the simplicity on how it starts regards the plots and some other stuff. But, as the more I read the more invested I started to feel. Until Oshirabu just started to thought a lot of these moments, where all characters are so likable and really resonate so all with every single aspect Oshirabu does have to offer. Be the bitterweet moments, and all the really genki ones as well, it was a short was one ride to never forget. And in all honesty I'm speeachless by how wholesome this story end to be, so go give a try!

Tsuyuchiru is a VN that surprised me a lot into a lot of positive ways. Does stars kinda cringe, but after the setting is all set. It really starts to show a lot of the great qualities. Such as I don't remember the last time I read something which the build up had such a rewarding outcome. Or the maze of emotions that Tsuyuchiru puts you into. It has such an strong way of expressure, be an detail noticeble to the VA's. Whatever they are feeling sad or some kind of joy you can notice it as well. Overall Tsuyuchiru was one of the best surprises I had this year thus far. It puts an extra layer in terms of expressure, show the naked emotions and really brings something quite diferent to what we all used when it comes to yuri. So yeah, if you are up for something new defitely give a try.

Pale Cachexia was a story I wasn't expecting, it starts with a slow pace with not much going on. But as soon you start to dive in the disturbing, and sinister feelings this story elaborates by its incredible writing and music. Along with the moments between Esther and Reina, which in all the bubble of melancholy it portraits the calm and vivid moments really are the ones that get you off guard.

Perfect Gold it is the most overwhelmed surprised I had this year so far. The polishment alone on its UI, presentation on moving sprites, and Cg's. Along with a lovely soundtrack that fits like a glove into this beautiful, and heartwarming story. Perfect Gold does not play fair, it really uses all its qualities to shake you here, and then. Specially when it comes to the VA's that enforce even more this fairy tale full of love. Like opening a book with my own hands and never wanted to end, the atmosphere, vibe or how full of life all of have been. Perfect Gold its something I will never forget, its memories and feelings are to be keep, just like a fairy tale book.

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Sutekano is a VN that I was expecting for a while, after find it on VNDB and read what was about. Here I am now after getting all achievements I can say my expectation were a little bit higher, still by any means I was left with disappointment. It's an overwhelming feeling whatever a VN makes me keep thinking about it. Specially with Sutekano that despite the way it show its emotions, doesn't make them invalid and so on. It's a VN that makes you realize, nothing is black and white, or things might not end up the way you were expecting. Always have this "something" that can, and probably will run out of control. And I think those are the things Sutekano wants to express, from a character that has those unsettling feelings. Wanting to express them, not no idea how to do it.

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Melancholy love is a story I never thought I wanted so bad. It all starts slow like any other school, but as soon the music changes, and the tone shifts by presenting the main characters, there is definitely much more on this than it looks. Starting with use of sarcasm followed by jokes. It really shows something new, or at least something not so often see. But also how it fits so well into this kind of story with bullying and other kind of topics along the plot. If you are looking for something bittersweet, but also something that brings some fresh air I say Melancholy love it worth trying!

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Salome's Kiss Kiss be one of the VN's I was waiting the most this year, now did it delivered to the hype? Well to start of, the two elements which stood out the most was without a doubt the art and beautiful soundtrack. Going from London to Yorkshire. How the it follows into this fancy and elegant tale about redemption, sins, anguish and relief. The kind of atmosphere that Ebi-hime brought to life this time really took me by surprise, not how it manages to captivate you and makes you feel more into it. As you read more and more with its incredible writing which was a true delight, long time I haven't read something that made me feel so engaged by the writing alone. Salome's Kiss isn't for everyone I take that, but at the same time its such a rich story, ind the end I really wanted to read more of it even after some "wild carrots" did end up happening. Well Salome's Kiss really med my expectations, and even maybe beyond by the qualities it mange to pull it off into this short and yet anguish story that I cannot stress it enough. If you are into this kind of setting it's 100% worth to give a shot, and one to remember to a while.

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Needy Streamer Overload, or NSO for short was a tittle that saw popping out into my TL, and honestly one of my favorite surprises thus far this year. Starting with how it presents all the core features of this ADV, be this addictive game play loop that you always in a situation into making it better for Ame. Or you fun those mechanics really gear up as you find yourself more fond with many little intricacies the chaotic ADV puts thoughts you. By the half while trying to get all endings with the goal in mind if there was even one good ending for ame, after you living all the hell she been thought. Needy Streamer Overload is without a doubt, of my favorites Psychological horror's out there. It has a very surreal take into a person that don't know how to move on, while obsessed in need for affection and love. After reading it many times a lot of their key points regarding Ame really start to click. As deep you go, you get a better grasp of mental state she is. Be about the self challenging she did had, or all the ugly and beautiful emotions she had to show, NSO was a wild ride I wasn't expecting at all. Despite all their colors that shifts to a really profound story with lots of deep dark themes to muster.

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Oh boy, how to I even describe Hiver and FLOWERS and how much I will miss it. FLOWERS is a series I've being following since Printemps 6 years ago, and I can remember that day like yesterday. Was what single handle made me get into Visual Novels. Be by the gorgeous CG's, Stunning soundtrack and so much depth behind a lot of themes. Never in my life I felt so in love with a series that made cry rivers of joy.

Obviously the wait for each new volume wasn't easy and ovoid spoilers at all cost too. But at each Volume FLOWERS really show the kind of direction it was going with, seeing those girls grown by each year really felt so special as a new volume comes out. How Innocent was really polishing them, adding depth and meaning for it. FLOWERS have always being a series with lots of meaning behind it : we have subtext, language of flowers, quotes from the christianism that makes some sort of connection. FLOWERS always brought me joy for those reason, embarking into the tale which the struggles these girls face on, learning bout it.

Adding simple things that are the ones that hit you the most, and let's not forget all the gorgeous presentation that goes around each chapter thought all the series. FLOWERS is a series that always have being about the details, how beautiful crafted Innocent Grey made then bloom. And finally Hiver could't be any different.

From the build up of the previous volumes, Hiver is what makes them shine the most. Be how the mystery around Mayuri disappearance was resolved. The pursuit that lead with lots of hooks even before of Printemps takes place blows my mind away. Reminding me why I love FLOWERS so much, how it always treated those subtext with delicate and gentle tones. FLOWERS is once a lifetime experience I will never forget, a series I grew fond of over the years, and specially one I can never talk about enough. Flowers is forever, and if you can give the series a chance. FLOWERS is definitely one you won't regret.