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ARW3 finished Senua's Saga: Hellblade II
The notion that we are now embarking on a 'saga' for Senua feels apt. Hellblade II allows her character to further evolve and develop in ways I did not necessarily anticipate after finishing the first game. The first game served, loosely, as a staging ground for Senua to contend with her psychosis and grief. Here, as Senua journeys to Iceland, we see a protagonist more in control of what previously was poised as her debilitation. It is refreshingly ambiguous as to how much of this story is realization of myth, Senua's psychosis, or a medley of realities. Still, it is clear that as Senua contends with new existential and physical challenges, she is better equipped to orient the majority of the voices in her head to the task at hand. Hellblade II's narrative was excellent, and without leaning too much into spoilers, showed us a more empathetic Senua than we had previously known. Hellblade II does a brilliant thing in showing her fortitude and ability to adapt her own learnings and struggles to ease the pains or fears of others. It's a heroic thing, really.

Hellblade II, as is known to most people aware of the game, is a masterpiece in visual and audio presentation. It is without doubt the greatest realization of the "photorealism" visual-style made popular by AAA narrative experiences. The binaural audio is perhaps even more brilliant, delivering pondering voices, disquieting susurrations or nuanced musical build-ups as the action sequences ramped up. In regards to those action sequences, I found them frequent enough for me in Hellblade II's modest run-time. However, the combat has not evolved as much as Senua's character has since her 2017 debut title. In some ways, it feels even more simplified. It is visceral, heavy and expertly choreographed. That warrants some forgiveness for its simplicity, but it is reasonable to have expected some more effort to have been placed into the combat variety on offer. Parry, block, light attack, heavy attack and dodge remained Senua's primary fight controls for the whole game's runtime. While there was some variety in how enemies approached the combat encounters, it ultimately fell short of ever asking the player to alter their approach. The puzzles on offer here make thematic sense and are improved from the original Hellblade. They are unfortunately a bit repetitive in nature, and do not always lend themselves best to serving the pace of the game.

All and all, Hellblade II once again delivers a powerful narrative in the context of a breathtaking, disturbing, and meticulously crafted linear adventure through 9th century Iceland. It is very much a continuation of its predecessor and is an easy recommend for fans of the first game. Hellblade II is unlikely to earn the favors of those who were dissatisfied with Senua's first outing and this is not a game that will indulge players with constant combat evolution, introduction of new gameplay elements, or roleplaying customizations. Hellblade II is brilliant in what it sets out to do, and that primarily revolves around telling a linear, deeply immersive story about growth, empathy, the torments and triumphs of a well-humanized protagonist. Hellblade II ends in a logical place for the story it sought to tell, but this ending very much felt like an inflection point preceding another chapter in Senua's story... one I am quite excited to see!

1 day ago

boogieman117 earned the Replay '14 badge

1 day ago

lulNever finished Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate Edition
I did a new playthrough in over a decade after finishing the Fallout TV Show. Still the greatest western RPG I've ever played. I just wish we had a version that didn't crash every 30 minutes.

1 day ago

1 day ago

ARW3 earned the Replay '14 badge

1 day ago

lulNever completed Fallout: New Vegas - Old World Blues
Amazing DLC that introduces a variety of new weapons, locations, enemies, and also delivers and solid story with interesting characters. Probably my second favorite FNV dlc behind The Lonesome Road. Also the teases to Ulysses and the Dead Money characters are awesome.

1 day ago

DBCooper finished Gears of War: Ultimate Edition
E-Day trailer got me feeling nostalgic. I haven't played the first Gears since it's original release on 360, still a blast!

1 day ago

Brandon21 earned the Replay '14 badge

1 day ago

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