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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 5, 2024

First played

January 2, 2024

Platforms Played


If anyone knows me, I'm the king of trying to champion a game that the "gamers" shit on, that's actually not that bad. Forspoken was one of my favorite games last year and was a blast, and early into Gotham Knights I thought this might be another one. Unfortunately, as you get further into the game, you realize that it really is half baked, was clearly planned to be live service, and the talent just wasn't there to make this the game it needed to be.

This game poses a lot of problems for playing it SP. The story doesn't feel as effective, you get really no time with the other characters (unless you switch yourself). Playing it co-op would;d probably be no fun, but this certainly wasn't designed to be a SP first game.

The story has its moments, and some fun boss fights (probably the highlight of the game for me) but the ending is really dumb, and there's a lot of stupid stuff along the way.

The combat is a clear step down from the Arkham trilogy (along with the visuals, and well, a lot of things from that trilogy). I think if this game existed in a timeline without those games, we might look a little bit more positive upon this game. Unfortunately as it is, it's quite mid, and will be forgotten about by next week.

I still have hope for Suicide Squad (perhaps stupidly) but if that's a miss too, WB will have totally lost my trust with anything DC related.