Log Status






Time Played

20h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 18, 2022

Platforms Played


Gameplay: A
Story: B+
Characters: A
Interface: B+
Misc: B-

Overall 8/10

For starters... The good: Fast pacing through the world is a blessing, Nothing sets me out of an open world than slow movement, so being able to breeze long distances in a short amount of time is great. The combat is fast paced and fun to master, there's many mechanics that will help you against bosses and minibosses (specially minibosses) I like how dynamic the battles are in general, makes fighting minibosses all around an unique experience for the most part as they have a different gimmick to their battle, best part for me is how fun playing as super sonic is, beating the major bosses while, not hard, they're still an spectacle to withhold, and the music does pump up your adrenaline.

For the story, the lore is nice and while I haven't played other sonic games other than Generations, I did not feel lost. There will be a couple of references of other games that will fly over my head, but it was well made. I'm a bit of a sucker regarding Dad/Daughter interactions in media, so I really loved how they humanized the villain through your actions and the reaction of his daughter, it was very Kino.

Music is nice for the most part, the game does have bangers as shown in the main bosses, they're not at the same level as MGR, but they do hype you up and it feels way better while you're at the boss than just hearing it

Interface is very clean, not many unnecessary pop ups on your hud. It has all you need to know without over saturating your screen

The bad:

Cyberspace: They do not match the speed of the open world, so it's often jarring to do them, often making stages a pain in the ass, some of them are fun, and some of them are straight up garbage due to the speed. At least you have the fishing minigame to avoid doing these stages, so there's a turnaround for this.

Objects Poppin: While not annoying, it's kinda jarring to see objects pop up suddenly when Sonic approaches them (way too fast for Render Distance to handle?) it's not too noticeable at first, but once you're aware, you'll notice it more. Hopefully they fix this later.

Final Boss: The change in gameplay is jarring for a final boss, there are several ways this could've gone better, but they had to go with an Ikaruga final battle which I'm not a fan of.

Fortunately, these issues were too minimal to severe my impression of the game, it's still a solid game with some issues here and there, but for the most part is fun.