4 reviews liked by AgentOttsel

I'll have to go to River City to meet this kind of women

When this game released, it was the ultimate kart racer. While the premier kart racer of the time, Mario Kart 64, has shown its age with time, I would argue Crash Team Racing holds up completely. The gameplay supersedes Mario Kart 64's in nearly every way. With its single player campaign, multitudes of content for a kart racer of its day, and engaging gameplay that even nowadays Mario Kart struggles to match, this classic kart-racer demands to be given a play through and it is well worth it.

Okay, not my style. Felt bad for killing the animals. gf cried.

One time, back when this came out, I was playing it while my new girlfriend was over at my place. She sat down and watched quietly for a little while, and I said, genuinely, "Here, I'll turn this off so we can do something else."

She replied, "No, keep playing. I like watching you be smart."

I beat this game 100% without looking anything up. We're married now.

Five stars.