I very much want to like this, but it seems like it's just not going to happen. The controls don't feel good, the fact that there's a leveling system is deeply annoying (especially since it seems tied only to damage?), and I'm unsure I was ever actually having fun with it.

It has it's moments, but overall, it's a frustrating, dated experience. I enjoyed it as a kid, but I probably won't be coming back to it.

Goddamn. This really spoke to me. Got both endings. Loved it. Need to go cry now.

I really cannot overstate how awful this game is.

A fun little kinetic novel. Probably could've been served by being a bit longer and just generally having more plot, but fun for what it was.

I dunno. Didn't really grab me. I may return to it in the future, but moving on for now.

Loved this. The voice acting is great, the art is cute, and the story is engaging. Plus one of the bad ends involves the heroine getting eaten. Love me some anthropophagy in my Yuri VNs.

Eh. It's fine, but it's also very much a generic licensed game from the nineties. It's not terrible, but that's about the best I can say about it.

A solid entry in the Zelda franchise. I played with button controls the entire time, and they were fantastic.

A perfect sequel to a fantastic game. Loved every second of it, especially the bits that made me cry. Just, the game should probably come with a warning label because oh my god just so much generational trauma.

Fun little game. The core gameplay loop is fun, and I'm excited to see what they'll add as far as future content goes.

I missed the chance to play this on Gamecube, and I think I might have liked it more there. There's a lot of fun little details in this game, which are nice, but really, the control scheme (one stick and motion controls) just doesn't do it for me.

Meh. Loved this on N64, but it hasn't aged well at all.

What I liked about the GB Mega Man games is that they felt like the NES Mega Man games but small -- they were clearly meant to be handheld experiences, but they were also clearly made with the same philosophy as the console games. This doesn't feel like that. It barely feels like Mario at all, honestly.

Fantastic game. Very gay, very relatable. Loved every minute of it.