Omori 2020

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When seeing people criticize this game I always see them talk about the dream world segments and the gameplay in general, which is justified because those are both insufferable and make this game an absolute chore to play. The gameplay lacks any depth whatsoever and becomes an absolute slog to play almost immediately. Dream world in general has a similar issue in being a complete slog with the dialogue being extremely dull and the segments being way longer than they have any right to be, this game is about 20 hours long but dream world makes it feel like 50.

What I don't see people talk about is the dumbass story with some of the most fake character interactions & dialogue I have ever seen in my life. Like brother there CANNOT be people who say this game's story is realistic when years of unhandled trauma are handled immediately and the main cast goes back to being friends with no problems whatsoever, obviously there's still the drama with Omori & Basil but that extends past that immediate friend group. I'm talking about the main 4 characters here, which is the main focus for the majority of the game and is resolved immediately. Even fucking Shark Tale had a more realistic conclusion between Fish Man and Mob Boss Shark and all they said was "We cool". The Dialogue after said issue is resolved is bland as hell and falls flat on its face with most of it just being them reaffirming the fact that they are friends, gj Omori, this is how real people act I think.

The real meat of the plot is so edgy and stupid it honestly circles back to being funny, Black Space and the real twist behind Mari's death are SO fucking dumb man, how do people take these seriously I need to know. Surely real children would see that beloved sister died and say "Ah man I don't want my friend to get in trouble gotta frame it as a suicide", very real and relatable traumatic experience thank you Omori this is definitely not edgy garbage trying to be something deep.