1 review liked by AkairaX

I can see the vision here and the frankly terrifying opening to this game got me really excited for this to be the scariest Silent Hill yet, but I ended up getting why everyone sees this as the weakest in the Team Silent quadrilogy.

The game before the midpoint was fine enough, if not a lot easier than the previous games. I was fully expecting to shit my pants throughout the entire game, but enemies were mostly harmless and avoidable, and the puzzles were super straight forward, save for the ones that required going back and forth between the room and the hole world. There was really only one moment where I was genuinely spooked, and while it was really good, I really needed more of that.

I was willing to play through with the understanding that this would simply be a different experience than the 3 games before it, but then I got to the infamous midpoint and decided I didn't wanna see it through. Having to escort an NPC through all of the previously explored worlds is already a big letdown, but now having to actually face the shitty inventory management system alongside having to suddenly engage in combat is really stupid and throws a wrench in the already established flow of the game. Also, why does the room start getting scary NOW? I wanted that the whole game man.

Also, why the fuck does the NPC's health affect the ending you get and not just lead to a game over? With how ridiculous the enemy placement in this game is considering how clunky the NPC's AI is, I absolutely shouldn't have my ending be penalized because the game threw 3 of the same enemy at me at once while the NPC skips around waiting to be hit.

Overall, super disappointed by this one.

2 lists liked by AkairaX