1 review liked by Akira92

I have never been more conflicted on a game than Bayonetta 3. This is the series' best combat, and a very welcome evolution from the last two games. However, the story in this is one of the biggest pieces of dogshit ever penned. It feels like platinum games have 50 points to spend when they make each Bayonetta game, and each time they put more and more into gameplay and less and less into story.

I really like playing as Bayonetta here, and if this was the gameplay for a game with a story on par with Bayo 1 this would be a masterpiece, but it isn't.

Haven't even started talking about Viola. Actually 0/5 character. If they make the next game about her I won't play it. She has this awful out of touch punk thing going on that is just horrible. Every time she opens her mouth I want to die, she is so fucking annoying. And, worst of all, playing as her is the most miserable thing ever. She has 1 weapon, 1 demon (Who you can't even control), and you have to do a lame ass parry to use witch time, so you just get to use witch time less and its more risky??? So fucking dumb. No one ever would prefer to play as Viola. Who made this shit man. Fuck Viola.