6 reviews liked by AlbertXV

I have been thoroughly impressed by this game. It is a masterpiece that continues to give endlessly. The amount of heart and soul that went into its creation is truly remarkable. From the intricate details to the captivating storyline, every aspect of the game showcases the dedication and passion of the developers. I would confidently rate this game a 9.5 out of 10.

The Game Awards trailer made it look cool so i bought, wasn’t expecting too much with all the gooners getting upset about the skins but honestly it was a really fun game with great music

GOTY contender c'est assez certain , on est sur un jeu qui frôle la perfection si le manque d'identité n'était pas un critère car il réside ici le plus gros point négatif du jeu.

Sur la fin on trouve un semblant de D.A intrinsèque à Stellar Blade et ça marque un grand final donc le jeu n'arrête jamais de croître en qualité , ce qui change de la plupart des titres de nos jours.

Gameplay parfait , OST mémorables et vastes pour chaque type de paysages , la meilleure optimisation graphique et performante qu'on ait jamais vu dans un jeu-vidéo.

Je dirais aussi que les personnages sont un peu plats malgré eux , ce qui nous met la puce à l'oreille concernant une certaine révélation importante durant le jeu , outre ça les quêtes secondaires sont plutôt poignantes , le jeu sait te montrer que tu es vraiment dans le dernier bastion de l'humanité.


(DEMO) Super entretenido, gameplay divertido y desafiante, historia interesante y unas vistas increíbles ;D
Si tengo chance de comprármelo, lo haré. (Compren en físico si se puede cualquier juego)

It’s really a shame that reactions to Stellar Blade are more focused on the fanservice or the coomer reactions. You got one group of people who just focus on the fanservice and hail the game to be the savior of sexualized women in gaming, and then you got the other group who view the game in a negative light because of the first group. And you know what? I can’t even blame them because the first group is really insufferable.

I don't care in the slightest about Stellar Blade having a "sexy" protagonist. I saw a trailer for it once and was immediately interested, because of how fun and unique it looked.

But coomers saw the female Protagonist’s butt and were obnoxious about it ever since. Like come on, it’s bottom of the barrel fanservice you’re going all crazy for. Literally everything I've seen about this game online is people with underaged anime character avatars cream their pants over how this game is "destroying wokeness" or whatever. Nothing against Eve, because she is really pretty and I actually really like her, but she looks like every female character in every korean MMO ever made. It's like people going to war over white bread. Apparently, these guys are now whining about censorship, signing petitions, and making videos of themselves (they look about as you'd expect) about why their cause matters lmao. These pathetic gamerbros will never not be incredibly annoying and cringe to me.

Because Stellar Blade is just so much more. Picture all those apocalyptic gachas and their really great world-building, fantastic atmosphere but really cheap and dull (chibi) gameplay, then amp it up to AAA levels – that's the magic of Stellar Blade.

The environments are beautifully crafted and the atmospheric soundtrack is another aspect I deeply appreciate and thoroughly enjoyed in this game. There's nothing quite like losing yourself in a captivating melody as you journey through vast, lonely landscapes and cities. Just like Nier, Stellar Blade really nailed its soundtrack.

The gameplay is just so much fun and showcases an exceptional level of refinement and polish. Every movement, dodge and parry hit the mark perfectly. The more skills you unlock, the cooler and more fun the combat gets. There's never a dull moment - the gameplay remains consistently exciting and stylish from start to finish.

I found the plot to be really intriguing, and I really enjoyed uncovering plenty of secrets and snippets of lore. But what really surprised me were the sidequests. Sure, some were usual filler content, but most served to make the world feel alive and deepened the lore. Completing them was enjoyable, they never felt like a chore. So good job there.

Oh, and I'm pleasantly surprised by Eve! Initially, I expected her to be the typical "waifu" (ugh, I hate that word), merely there for visual appeal with little personality beyond conforming to generic “anime girl” tropes. Most of these tropes revolve around being “innocent”, "naive" or a "sweet flower girl." But Eve defies those expectations, and I couldn't be happier about it.

Even though Stellar Blade took huge inspiration from Nier and other apocalyptic gacha games, it's still an extremely unique and fun game that everyone should give a chance. Don't listen to the manchildren throwing tantrums or all the buzz about the “fanservice," which is honestly vastly overexaggerated due to some optional skins. Honestly, aside from the optional skins, there are absolutely no horny aspects present in the game.

There are just so many little touches to the point where you can tell the developers really cared about making this game great, and they succeeded. Stellar Blade is simply a beautiful game.