Log Status






Time Played

28h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 14, 2022

First played

November 9, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


When it comes to story, this is probably one of the best narrative experiences I've ever had with a game, none of the characters feel two dimensional, even those characters that stay in the background for most of the time. All of them have weight, the side plots are interesting to explore and for the most part you don't feel like you're deviating from the main quest because of it.

This was really a trip, the relationships and motivations of each character felt real and well thought out and you just can't help but feel what each character is feeling during the game's runtime. It's also a really heavy game when it comes to the themes it explores: grief, vengeance, the search for meaning, the paths we create throughout our lives, cause and effect and all the consequences that come with each choice we make, Ragnarok really shines as a coming of age story, the same way as a story about the burdens we carry on our backs.
Can't wait to see what Santa Monica Studios comes up with for their next game and just hope that the writing is as good as this.