Log Status






Time Played

6h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 1, 2023

Platforms Played


+ the roguelike genre is a natural fit for Shovel Knight
+ most of the cast of the original returns in some form
+ look, sound, and feel are familiar to fans of the original game
+ one playthrough is quick and possible without too many meta-upgrades
+ choice between health and item after a stage offers tactical options
+ procedural level design rarely feels artificial
+ stages offer a lot of unique new challenges to overcome
+ many secrets to discover both within and outside of the dungeon

- soft time limit feels manufactured and at odds with the exploratory design
- losing items after being hit leads to frequent moments of frustration
- some items are practically useless compared to movement upgrades
- collision and hit detection are wonky in the later stages
- meta-upgrades are exceedingly expensive
- level select signs are unexplained and unclear
- finishing a run is practically impossible without health upgrades
- most characters in town do not serve any function and have nothing to say
- the secret ending is almost impossible to discover on your own

Playtime: 6 hours with one ending discovered and only few additional armor and other upgrades found.

Magic Moment: Discovering that the owl is not what it seems.

A decent if somewhat unremarkable excursion into the roguelike genre for Shovel Knight and the team behind his creation. The soft time limit in the form of a deadly saw that follows you throughout the stage feels unnecessary and artifically inflates the difficulty, while the combat and bosses are fair and mostly fun to fight.

Take a lot at it if you want more Shovel Knight, but do not expect a deep roguelike action game.