- A classic game with great influence on the series as a whole
- Lovingly recreated in the Pixel Remaster versions with great soundtrack and visuals (except for the font and weird screen tearing)
- A map and autosave function that will eliminate most of the frustration
- Shorter, more interesting dungeons and a managable encounter rate
- A new job system that is unique and implemented best here out of all the versions of FFIII
- Secret summons and side quests that make the world feel alive and reward players' curiosity
- An actual open world with many distinct ways of traversal

- A convoluted, forgettable story with bland characters and easy solutions (which is a step back compared to the dramatic quality of FFII)
- Opague damage rolls and an apparently random turn order render strategic battles impossible
- An unbalanced job system that is rarely relevant to the game at large
- An incredibly high difficulty throughout the game, in particular towards the final dungeons. Be prepared to grind!

Magic Moment: When you realize how large the world map actually is. Oh, and the Fat Chocobo theme.

Verdict: The job system and manifold secrets make this one worth playing, even though this is probably the toughest and longest FF from the 8-Bit generation. Fans should take a look at this one, but one playthrough is enough.

Reviewed on Sep 16, 2021
