- deep integration of gameplay, setting, music and story
- artistic elements such as the art and voiceovers are of exceptionally high quality
- great character designs and diverse dating options
- outstanding soundtrack and vocal tracks by Ashley Barrett
- fast paced, responsive moment to moment action gameplay
- practically endless replayability and accompanying dialogue

- starting weapon is the weakest and least versatile
- small amount of weapons and upgrades
- very limited number of biomes and enemies
- opaque boon progression and combination system
- very limited number of bosses for a roquelike
- steep difficulty progression in the beginning...
- ...until you have finished your first run
- limited number of surprises after the True Ending (which can be accomplished pretty quickly)
- the reason for the restart of the loop is a bit too convenient before the True Ending (and a bit silly afterwards)
- maxing out large amount of collectables gets overwhelming
- Nectar is too rare for its importance and its trade sequence is too expensive
- Hades voice is a bit overdone

Magic Moment: The first encounter with Eurydice and her accompanying song. Such a lovely moment of peace in a very hectic game.

Millions of players and dozens of awards have crowned Hades one of the best games of the past few years, and I simply have to agree with the general consensus. Not all gears might be working in sync after the first few amazing hours, but this daftly designed and beautifully presented action game is an instant classic and another milestone for Supergiant Games. Bravo.

Reviewed on Nov 29, 2021
