Platinuming all R.E game...

The game's Main strong points are the story, that follows 2 amazing protagonists, Rebecca and Billy. It's does a really good job at getting you into the resident evil world, and it leaves you wanting more by the end, in a good way... With a somewhat satisfying ending, That teases whats 2 come!

Yapp: Took me along time 2 get used 2 this game, and ajusted 2 the mechanics, and just how this games playes with the camera angles and outdated gameplay.
The game is the hardest or one of the hardest platinums, and it was also very hard because some of these trophys:
No heal, no death, no save, s rank, hard mode, speedrun and ect trophy's I had 2 get. But after a amazing 6 part guide by [Optinoob] I got the platinum!

Platinum 1 :) Out of alot... :(

Note: Following a guide with my phone on my lap di cause me 2 miss one trophy, and spending 3 hours 2 redo somthing after im supposed 2 already have the platinum pisses me off...

Reviewed on Mar 21, 2024
