Is Deadly Premonition good? No.
Is Deadly Premonition ironically good? Also no.

This game is bad in just about every way it's possible for a game to be bad. It looks bad, it runs bad, the running around feels bad, the driving feels bad, the combat feels bad, the writing is bad, the voice acting is bad, the side quests are tedious and bad, the main character oscillates between 'asshole' and 'idiot' (but never in an endearing or entertaining way). Then, to top it all off, the end of the game gets deeply, deeply transphobic and this is somehow seen as an amazing plot twist. It's astounding to me that this game has somehow tricked so many people into thinking that it's secretly good when it's actually probably one of the worst games ever made.

Reviewed on Mar 12, 2021

1 Comment

3 years ago

sorry but i disagree so hard