It's hard to put how much I love this game into words without underselling it. Everything about it is absolutely wonderful. I especially adore the cast of characters and the writing around them. I love them all so much.

It's really unfortunate that the first part of the game is the worst part of it because it makes the first hundred hours or so an absolute slog. It certainly didn't help that it had one of the most hostile communities of any MMO I've played. People I played with via the matchmaking for dungeons were extremely quick to be extremely toxic towards anyone who wasn't playing absolutely perfectly.

God, I love this game so much. The haters are wrong. Lightning is cool as hell and so are all the other characters. My only complaint is how long the beginning feels because of how slowly it dripfeeds mechanics to you. Otherwise it's a fantastic game.

Easily one of my favorites in the franchise. A weird plot that really goes places (figuratively and metaphorically), a great soundtrack, and a cast of lovable characters. It's everything I want from a Final Fantasy game. And it also has Triple Triad, the best of all FF minigames!

I wanted to enjoy this more than I actually did. I had to stop playing somewhere in the second episode because of some triggering content that I had been given a heads-up about that I knew I wouldn't be able to play myself. But I really enjoyed the time mechanics and how it was used to solve puzzles.

I adored the surreal style of this game and thought the music mechanics were interesting but I got up to the first stealth segment and it was so abysmal that I couldn't bring myself to push through it to see more of the game.

I enjoyed what I played of it but it has the distinct honor to be one of the only games to ever make me violently motion sick to the point that I could not physically play it anymore.

The best thing I can say about this is that the skills it adds to the skill tree are very useful. The best parts of the story are bland and the worst parts are outright offensive. A slog to get through and is, by far, the weakest part of an overall great game.

"What if Persona, except good?"

The world needs more Magical Girl JRPGs.

One of my favorite puzzle games ever. Definitely a hidden gem that I think is criminally underrated. I adore nearly everything about this game, it's a truly joyous and wonderful thing.