15 reviews liked by Alfador

Uno de los mejores juegos de la historia, creado por un dreamteam de desarrolladores de JRPGs y que cambió la forma de ver los videojuegos para siempre.
Siempre se dice que la edad de oro de los JRPG fue en Playstation 1 con esa imparable Squaresoft y, probablemente, están en lo cierto. Pero yo creo que esa edad de oro nunca habría llegado sin los de la época de SNES. Final Fantasy IV, V y VI, Dragon Quest V (el mejor) y VI, Earthbound, Illusion of Time, Terranigma... Si en esta época, se hubiese tenido la tecnología de la posterior, probablemente esta sería la mejor y no el preludio de.

Pero hablado de Chrono Trigger... Una de las historias más bien contadas de los juegos, a pesar de tener viajes temporales, que siempre complican más las cosas. Unos personajes extremadamente carismáticos, ya no sólo por lo bien escritos que están, sino porque el diseñador fue el mismísimo Akira Toriyama. Una banda sonora de ensueño compuesta por Yasunori Mitsuda... Todo, es que todo en este juego rezuma calidad.

charming and cute, but a bit simplistic with an annoying camera and a little bit of jank. worth checking out at the very least.

What a truly fantastic experience. Taking a game as quaint, yet undeniably charming as the forgotten game, Tail Concerto on the original Playstation and out of love and confidence in making it work, deciding to expand on its lore, themes, mechanics, and universe is just such a bizarre move to me even still. Making something like this into a series, so late after that original release is just something that you could only do if you had love for these characters and world, which is just undeniably the case here.

Solatorobo is one of those games that really represents what I think made the DS such an amazing console. It is just that perfect avenue for niche games like this to find its own. While a very simple game in its gameplay, mainly just expanding on the very unique combat system of the original, what makes this game special is just how much they chose to expand on the world that it offers. The flying islands everyone lives on are fleshed out into truly lived in places, characters are more complex, the designs have a bit more going on while still retaining the original charm, everything feels just the right amount of expanded upon, while never losing what made it so appealing in the first place. This is also just like, the best looking game on the system? I don't know how they got the game to look so beautiful, so bustling with life and colour, without the DS crashing, but my lord is it a treat to look at.

That is to say nothing of the second half of this game, where it surprises you with not only the fact that it exists, but just the gall they have of hiding the true game like that, reminded me of moments straight out of Automata years later haha.

Your love of this game, and indeed, the whole series is likely going to boil down to your love of the vibes and the world it presents. Honestly, I could spend forever with these characters, they're the perfect comfort characters you would wish to spend such a fun freelance adventure with. I love being on these islands and taking in the amazing landscapes and camera angles they decide to present these worlds in, ahhhh I just love this game. Truly and honestly, one of the greatest hidden gems on the best system ever, please play it, you're doing yourself a favor by doing so.

Can't believe that there is even more to this series still, can't wait to get around to Fuga sometime later this year.

has some pretty questionable why did you do this Mr Cyber Connect2 moments but otherwise is probably one of the most fleshed out and beautiful worlds you can view through the crusty 0 resolution screen of your nintendo ds

Act 1: Basic but well-written JRPG story
Act 2: Furryvangelion

jesus christ these furries are scary sometimes

Is Tetris DS one of the best methods of playing Tetris ever created? Well, to be frank, absolutly. Its offers many engaging and unique takes on the classic Tetris game mode; as well as offering a flawless version of the original game mode as well. An amazing Nintendo themed design, great music, and an overall amazing gaming experience. I wouldn't go as far as saying its one of the best games of all time, for at the end of the day, it is still another version of Tetris. But it does what it set out to do perfectly. A must play for not only Tetris fans, but anyone.

The most difficult game I've ever played, straight up. If you think Souls games are the peak of difficulty in gaming you've very obviously never played LLTQ. Eldritch beasts are absolutely nothing in comparison to trying to figure out how to get this princess to live to see her coronation. This damn game had me going mad as a kid trying to figure out what skills I needed to improve each week in order to not die, and it's choose-your-own-adventure design made it so much fun for me in spite of how frustrating it was. I have such a deep nostalgic attachment to this game that I can't really explain, I just adore it? Still, it has a ton of flaws that I would do anything to see improved. The concept alone is /brilliant/ to me and tons of fun at first, but I wish there was more variety so that repeat playthroughs attempting to beat the game don't feel like a complete dialogue-skipping slog to get through. Once you've beat it once, there's pretty much nothing that makes you feel like replaying again. A few good tweaks and adjustments to make it more entertaining upon replays would make this game a masterpiece to me.

This game is harder than it looks like, getting a good balance of every resources is pretty hard. It's got a simple design and it's the kind of game you dust off your shelf every eight months or so to play for a few days

more influential on me than i give it credit for, probably

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