11 reviews liked by AlphaRikka

super underrated! brilliant artstyle, music, and story. you’ll never guess where this one goes.

i've yet to see a game's cinematic direction achieve anything even remotely similar in quality to this one's aside from maybe RDR2. every cutscene will have you tensely at the edge of your seat, employing an incredibly effective use of long takes and music to shock you to your core and truly immerse yourself in the game's story and world.

the worldbuilding and map design is also absolutely spectacular, with lots of hidden nooks and secrets that house interesting sights and lore. in conjunction with the top tier NPC writing for all side character's and their individual quests and narratives i'd argue that this is one of the most immersive story games of all time, with an incredible atmosphere to seal the deal.

the combat is quite good as well. it's simple, yet fun and maintains a constant challenge while also being incredibly rewarding. there are a multitude of different upgrades and abilities to seamlessly use and enhance your combat experience and the game doesn't force you to use any one of them if you don't want to.

thematically the game is also very memorable. with very profound quotes and an absurd amount of moments that elicit feelings of despair or hope. all of it is directly tied to your actions in game, and the meaning of the story changes with the different endings you get.

i'm shocked to see this has an average of 2.9. this is legitimately one of my favorite games of all time.

you get to play as one armed gohan in this one

The Worst Sonic Game. Bar None. This Is The Worst Sonic Game.