Game was a lot of fun. Already enjoyed 2018 quite a bit and this game has quite a few improvements over that game. Is it perfect? No, after all no game is, but it was a good time and had plenty of things to enjoy about. Despite giving it a 10 (for now might change it to a 9 later down the line) I'm not sure I would call it "genre defining" like I've been seeing a lot of people saying. The game just knows what it wants to do and it does it well, I don't see any reason to give it a bunch of high words. A good game is a good game regardless of whether it is some collossus of its genre or if it breaks some new ground. A game can play it safe and stick to what works and still be an amazingly good time. Anyways I got side tracked ragnarok was a good time if you enjoyed GoW 2018 chances are you're gonna like this game.

Reviewed on Nov 16, 2022
