This game changed my life.
I know that's a statement with alot of weight, but it's touched me deeply and helped me understand myself and navigate the scary feelings about mortality we all have.

It's heartfelt, aesthetically pleasing, and charming from end to start. The main cast is all lovely, my favorites being Vivi, Zidane, and Steiner. I loved every member and their storylines (except Amaranth) and although Freya, Quinoa, and Eiko felt lackluster at times, I still really enjoyed having them in the party.

Dagger and Zidane's romance is oh so beautiful, the ending made me tear up. it's only rivaled by Final Fantasy X's Tidus and T

Overall, I cannot stress enough my love for Final Fantasy IX. It's a game I turn to for comfort, it's a place to call home.

Reviewed on Mar 03, 2023
