Final fantasy 16 is truly my first real go at a FF game. I have nothing but the utmost respect for the series, I love the whole aesthetic of the series but I just could never get into turn based games. Now saying all that FF16 is a hack and slash RPG and I'm all for it, if this is the route Square are wanting to take the series then I'm in for it because I enjoyed every single moment of this game. I have never had so many OMFG moments in a game the whole feel of this game is epic and massive the ekion fights are phenomenal. The story of this game is great and at the end of the day comes down to a story about two brothers which I find really sweet. The music is 10/10 the orchestra was beautiful and energetic when needed. Graphics are gorgeous and could not find a single ugly looking thing about the game. My only real gripe with the game is the lack of combos in combat, I just wish they had them to make the combat just a little more engaging other wise this would be another 5/5 game for me.
But having finished FF16 less than 10 minutes ago I want to go back in the series and really start trying to play them from 7 onwards. Truly a phenomenal game and I highly recommend it to anyone on the fence about it just play it.

Reviewed on Aug 30, 2023
