Final Fantasy XVI

released on Jun 22, 2023

Final Fantasy XVI is the first fully fledged action RPG in the mainline Final Fantasy series. Clive Rosfield is on a mission to free mankind from its fate, and must use the Eikonic powers at his disposal to overcome every obstacle his enemies lay before him.

Also in series

Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail
Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker

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There’s a ton to be said for its characters and story, riddled with flaws or just not getting many interesting pay-offs or moments (looking at you, Jill.). The sidequests were boring at best and extremely frustrating in their writing at worst. The combat is fun but does get quite samey after a while, and only really shines in the boss battles which are hours apart from each other. During those hours the pace and spectacle grinds to a halt, and definitely had to push through begrudgingly.

But wow, the visuals, the spectacle, the impact, the voice acting, the attention to detail, the phenomenal music, the frankly jaw-dropping boss fights… and above all, the clear effort and heart that was put into all of it. It’s riddled with flaws but the highs are extremely high and there’s heart and soul pumped into so much of it that it really did feel like a grand adventure. The ending had a lot to live up to, but it delivered, and managed to feel meaningful even with how wonky the rest of the writing and its impact was sometimes. I loathed it at times, I loved it at others, but altogether, it definitely was a great time.

Perhaps unwise for my first venture into a mainline FF since XII but not sure what gaps have happened to make it this style of ARPG that barely increases the flourishes of its button-mashy combat at a snails pace, but this level of cinematic dourness played out this lengthily and with demanded interaction is already starting to wear me out.

Had a good sad boy adventure. It has fun combat, a cast made up of gay characters and is only sometimes weird about women. I liked the part at the end where Clive said 'No, this is YOUR Final Fantasy' and punched god in the face and it went 99999999999

es de mis juegos favoritos y la musica, que es algo que yo valoro muchisimo, es una burrada, nunca habia visto algo asi. Lo unico malo es el gameplay, que aunque también es muy bueno se va a la mierda cuando a partir de las 10h de juego se vuelve increiblemente facil y sin ningun reto, una lastima. Para remediar eso ultimo me propuse pasarme todo el juego sin curarme ni una vez y ni con esas fue minimamente dificil

Faltou muita coisa no pós game

Is this game a good final fantasy game. No. Is if a great game yes. Is It as good as ff7 remake. No but still this game did so much right and deserves an 8 out of 10 for me (8.2) the dialogue was incredibly clunky (like ff7 remake) except ff7 remake had a way better cast and the pacing of ff16 really slowed down at parts but the game itself is worthy of praise as it had great moment and that ending was heartbreaking yet beautiful