I'm somebody who tends to judge games on their best moments. Perhaps it's unfair, but it's those moments that stay with you, not a few boring moments in between.

Subway Midnight makes that very difficult.

Subway Midnight is a game with a bunch of really cool rooms, most of which could make for a really interesting part of a different game - and that's it. The only gameplay in this one is bad puzzles and awkward running. Sure, you will see visuals like nothing else in gaming, something that usually launches a game into 9/10 territory for me, but something about Subway Midnight not having a solid normal gameplay loop to subvert just really hurt it.

And the first ending you'll get is genuinely the least satisfying ending since NES games that ended with 'you saved the day' on a black screen.

Game #5 of 2024, January 19th

Reviewed on Feb 14, 2024
