i saw all this coming since we got the very first details about this... and OH GOD!

MGS1 has a REALLY bad input lag (on my experience, i never saw anyone talking about this so maybe it's just me :I) and has no analog support, something that the original game had with the dualshock controller, good job konami.
MGS3 is locked at 30 fps only on switch, we're all know the switch isn't as powerful as a modern PC or console, and i don't mind that too much (mainly because usually unlocking the framerate to old games breaks them, look at GTA San Andreas) my issue here is that meanwhile the HD collection for PS3/X360 runs at 60 fps with just a few issues on ps3, WHAT! (i don't know if MGS2 is locked too but that would be worse remembering that it runs at 60 fps on the original PS2).
There's no video options, i saw a lot of people saying that MGS1 looks blurry as hell and of course you can like that or not (i don't) but why not letting you choose having them or not! let players choose between watching every polygon of snake's butt, make you believe that you need glasses, or even CRT filters, CAPCOM DOES IT, IT'S NOT THAT HARD.
Can someone please explain me why the pc version requirements are actually higher than MGSV, a 2015 game, that thing it's just bad optimization, there's no excuse (and speaking about that, am i the only one who gets worse loading screens than on emulators?)

Maybe there's more to tell but probably my mind forgot about that to keep me mentally sane, the thing that most hurts me is that at this point we should forget about the vol. 2, which means MGS4 will be still trapped on PS3

Reviewed on Nov 04, 2023


7 months ago

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7 months ago

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7 months ago

To avoid input lag you have to play US version - EU version had it on PS3 as well, and this is port, so... And well, it's a shame that analogs don't work in here like they should, but it's not a dealbreaker. Even if you are complenionist.
For me, as a fan, this is – content wise – best collection I could've hoped for. Sure, there are some issues (like low resolution in MGS1 or lack of option to smooth image, DS4 and DualSense doesn't have analog buttons, so it plays different in certain situations), but that kind of problems, I can deal with.

It's sad to see that people hate this collection so much, but on the other hand, Konami could put more effort in it. But it's not so bad as people claim it to be. I think many people who whine about it don't want to play these games that much. I finished MGS1 and now I'm playing MGS2 and had not so many issues (apart from what I mentioned - and it's not a dealbreaker).
Hope there will be Vol2 because I want to play all these games on my PS4 (and later on PS5).

Oh, and MGS2 runs in 60 fps on PS4 (don't know about any other platforms).

6 months ago

This collection is only worth because of the extra content added. There are better ways to play those games.

Worse considering some minor technical downgrades were made, from 20+ year old games.

Konami definitely shit the bed on this one, but the content added is great and maybe they'll fix most of the issues through updates.

I'm also scared of MGS4, but nothing can be worse than PS3 performance. If it is, at least it can be modded on PC.

6 months ago

It's not worth just because added content. Besides MGS1 these versions are currently the best - Master Collection fixes MGS3 HD problems, and MGS2 runs better than on ps3 from HD Collection.