The first game finished of 2024. Very fun game. The Villains could have had more presence but the world's are nice and the missions are interesting.

Finished up Jak II and it's a very fun time. I do think I prefer the first as I felt this second game kind of frustrating at time and it feels a bit more padded, but I liked it.


Finally finished the Trilogy. Honestly this was the weakest of the bunch to me easily the story is pretty ehh comparatively but I did like a good chunk of levels and the driving stuff was pretty fun, and I did like the music a good bit. The game peaked by the end and did end on a good high note.


I enjoyed what I played but I was hoping it would be more fun. It does get tedious at times but the humor and concept are neat. Maybe I'll pick it back up in the future who knows but for now I'll say it's decent.

Very ambitious honestly and very fun. Took me like hours to beat it even with the invisibility cheat. Oh to be good at video games one day.

Played on the Nintendo Switch. Got gold on the first three cups and silver on the fourth which is good enough for me as far as a win condition goes.

It's solid and I certainly respect it for laying the ground work for one of the biggest racing franchises of all time. That said though, it only has like maybe 4 great tracks and the rest are either kind of good or just okay. Some of the music is really fun and intense but others are kind of repetitive and annoying. The sound design can also be grating at times. It's certainly good but it doesn't get anywhere past that and it may not be one I am in a rush to revisit. 7.0/10

Played about 12 matches on each stages playing someone different each time. Link I played best as and Donkey Kong I played worst as. It was pretty solid. Stages and music are overall good and the characters are fun to play as, but some of the visuals on the stages were iffy and at times the lag was a bit much. 7.7/10

It was fairly fun. The music slaps and the simple concepts has some really fun levels. The bosses were hit or miss for me and there was some difficultly balancing in the air at times, but all in all it's decent and it's interesting seeing where Kirby started.