I couldn't fathom how the game about schoolgirls with guns could possibly have a "peak" story until I actually experienced it. Yeah, it's peak. (gameplay is a bit lacking though)

i feel like this was better and more accurate back in the day

It's like a mobile game, but bigger.

i got to the very start of act 3 and i'm pausing there until they fix everything

goddamn this game was badass. never played the sequel but i'd imagine it's even better.


It's like Left 4 Dead but made by a guy that played with realism addons in Garry's Mod.

will update score when they fix the fucking game
they still haven't fixed the online but i can't keep my favorite fighting game's score low for any longer. I LOVE UNDER NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gold standard of arena shooters

absolutely terrible game but it's really funny to experience with a group of friends

one of the worst games i've ever played

last time i played this was in 2014 and it was boring as fuck

my friends find a new way to die every attempt

I went into this expecting some schlock I'd be attempting to refund after a single play session but it's actually very fun (WITH FRIENDS!!!!! I HAVE NOT PLAYED WITH RANDOMS!) and I'm looking forward to the new content they'll be adding to the game in the future.

Unironically fun maid raising game with tons of story content. Funnily enough, this game is on VNDB without the "THIS IS NOT A VISUAL NOVEL!!!!!" disclaimer that Ace Attorney has.

Worse character creator than Illusion games but way better gameplay.