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January 13, 2023

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Here's a game I remember playing years ago in my early times of first using an emulator. That was when like Emuparadise still was around. Those sure were the days. This game was one I tried and could only get to stage 3 and thought it was impossibly hard, well now I've beaten it and honestly I enjoy it.

This game is unashamedly a Rockman clone. It even copies the style somewhat which surprises me how they didn't get in trouble. Though unlike Rockman this is a linear stage to stage experience and you don't get weapons from other bosses. You actually have some extra moves on hand when you start the game.

The first one is Normal where you can do a more powerful charge shot. The second one is Fire which is useless because it kills every enemy on screen but it also takes too much health from you to be useful. The third one is Freeze which can freeze an enemy or even fire. It can be useful but not as useful as say the Ice Slasher from Rockman 1. The fourth one is Ball which has you shooting it in a diagonal up arc where it'll bounce in any contact until it hits an enemy. It can be pretty useful in spots. The fifth one is Shield which will put a barrier up for projectiles or even enemies to bounce away from. Lastly there is Broom which has you riding it and you can move it left, right, or up depending on the direction you shoot, just don't jump or hit something because that will spell your doom for you.

One cool thing about this game is you can actually crouch and shoot up. The game's movement however isn't the best. It's the jump specifically I dislike, it not only feels too heavy but it seems to cancel any height if you shoot during it which caused me to die too many times. There is no knockback thankfully so you won't die to that kind of stuff.

You have 5 rounds in this game with the first 4 having 4 sections to them. The level design isn't the best in the world. I feel like the game has too many broom moments where it's just go through this path with broom or perish. I also dislike when the game gives you barely any time to react when entering into a new screen. Otherwise though the platforming can be enjoyable and the multiple weapons help on that matter. I swear I remember this game being brutal in difficulty but it's honestly not too bad.

Bosses are oddly very easy in this game as some have very easy patterns and just don't have much health to begin with. Even the final boss is quite a joke in this game which probably explains why there still isn't a checkpoint when you get to her. I will say though screw those boss descriptions, it flashes like crazy! People with seizures just skip them by pressing start!

The game looks pretty nice though that isn't too surprising considering what they copied from. There's even some cutscenes here and while it's nothing special, it's still nice to see. I like the Round screens before it starts which feel like an eyecatch to an Anime. This did originally start as a adaptation of a Wizard of Oz anime. That's also why the main character is named Doropie. The music is nice but it won't stay in your head for long. I do think the noise for your shots is kind of annoying though.

Before I conclude, I'd like to talk about The Krion Conquest. That was the US version of the game and I advise all of you to stay away from it. It not only removes most of the cutscenes but it also hid continues through a cheat. It also ditches the cheats that changed the player sprite. They also censored the round end screens for obvious reasons. It's just a shame we were given an inferior version.

This game is one that surprised me. Thought I wouldn't appreciate it tbh. Ended up thinking it was good. Granted it still has those problems I mentioned but it still has some good things going for it and is worth a try if you haven't. A fan translation exists for the Famicom version if you want to try it. A sequel was planned but sadly never got made. Regardless for a first attempt, I like it!