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January 2, 2023

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The Playstation is one of those consoles I never owned. Outside of Mega Man collections, I just never played them. It took till a couple of months ago to play one and that was Battle Arena Toshinden. If it goes well I'll try to play some PS1 games this year for fun and review them as I go. Let's begin with a launch title. It would have been Crime Crackers but there's still a language barrier. :<

So, this game. It was made by Technosoft. You probably know them for their cool Mega Drive games like Thunder Force 2-4, Elemental Master, and Herzog Zwei. I had some confidence this one would be really cool but I think I had too high of expectations.

This game is a beat em up where you can pick from three different characters. I picked Rio for my playthrough which is the girl character who uses a hammer. You have to go through 5 stages with up to 5 lives and a max of 5 continues per player. They surprisingly don't share between you and yes this game is co-op if you have a friend.

You got a decent variety of moves and weapons to pick up and use. I gotta say though idk if I just suck at using a controller or something but sometimes I just did the move I wasn't wanting to do and IDK how it kept happening. I think it has to do with how you're inputting with the d-pad but I wasn't a fan especially when I was trying to do throws. You can also do supers but despite being cool looking, they don't do much damage making the cutscene feel kind of obnoxious. I like some of the weapons you can pick up like this disc you can throw that comes back to you. You can even have a second life bar when getting health pick ups, though playing as the two minors make it so the beer item is not possible to use as it's for adult's only.

The enemy variety isn't too large but I guess it doesn't need to be when it's 5 stages but it could be a lot worse. Some of these enemies I swear are parodies of things but besides the Jason lookin enemy, I can't really say. Enemies aren't too annoying besides this girl in a yellow outfit that I can't stand.

But what I can't stand more are the bosses. They are very bad and I can't stand when beat em ups make them most of the time prioritize your moves. Better enjoy spamming moves the AI sucks at dealing with. Though to this game's credit, when you refight them in the last stage, two of them can be defeated quickly with stage hazards and it felt so satisfying. The final boss also is terrible and I hate him.

The game looks nice though I'm going to be honest, IDK how impressive this is for 32-bit. I'm not gonna say if this would easily work as a 16 bit game because again I'm not knowledgeable about it. I do like stuff like the cars in the first stage with the squash and stretch they do. I also like the echo you can hear of the voices when inside the whale. The environments overall look quite nice if a bit basic at times. The music didn't really catch my interest but maybe I need to give it a listen more.

Nekketsu Oyako really is a game that could be much better. It's not bad but it really needed some improvements. There is fun to be had here but I can't really say if it's anything special especially considering there were already better beat em ups by this point. The game would get later ported to the Saturn though idk if it's any better. Even if it's not the best game, I am excited now to try more games for the system. To end this off, if there is one thing I have to give this game credit, something that is truly incredible, it has no elevator section.