Whoever made the joke about the gameplay in JRPGs being similar to an Excel spreadsheet obviously never played Japanese strategy games. For those, you need a special kind of dedication and/or patience that men get only past their thirties.
Kichikuou Rance is actually on a more newbie-friendly side of things: it's less about resource management and more about keeping up with timed quests and dealing up with "random" events. Rance also keeps the player entertained between battles with great CGs and pretty decent (for an eroge in a fantasy setting) plot.
Unfortunately, you still need to deal with the fact that this is a very old game, with a ton of QoL options missing. There is no music apart from some fanfares, no backlog, no saving mid-turn and so on. By the time I got to the last third of the game, the notion of just googling the rest of the story/events/CGs got too tempting, so I am leaving this review and joining the "filtered" camp, despite the fact that I liked the game.

Reviewed on Nov 04, 2023
