can't believe my 2010s nostalgia is being marketed to

i used to love this game and then valve abandoned it. now i just don't care the same way. fun, funny game! don't play it in 2024 you have better things to do.

my hyperfixations have taken me places i wouldn't even go with a gun

guys this is the best game ever made and not enough people know it even exists.

so here's the deal.

- completely worthless on PC. there are just better releases of these two games with better mod support AND they're cheaper! so don't buy it.

- xbox and ps4/5 have other ways of playing these games too. at that point you'd be playing this collection for online support, which would be fine if the online was stable. it's not.

- the switch would be the clear winner here. you (still!) can't buy the games separate for cheaper and you get portability (sorry steam deck). the catch? this port is 35 gigabytes. the standard edition switch has 32 gigabytes of storage maximum. you need to pay for a microSD to even boot up the game. and when you do? it crashes on you after an hour, the online lobbies are empty, and you can't even get a refund since it's a digital release.

- there have been patches for stability for all releases but the game still crashes if you play singleplayer instant action for too long so what even is the point

how do you even manage to botch this so badly?

you could make a live service battle pass experience out of scarescraper and i would eat it up. not even kidding.

(other than the fact that scarescraper is one of the best online modes ever made by nintendo this very much is a port of a 3DS game. there are a few bugs that need ironed out that i trust will be handled in the coming weeks. hate the implementation of gyroscope but at least it has a functioning second stick for spinning! i'll come back to this review when i beat the story mode)