Best part gotta be when you fail to save that lady tied to a bomb.

Fucking Mustafar jumping level was the bane of my existence

This games music drove me insane as a child. There probably isn't really anything wrong with this game, but it wreaked havoc on me as a child.

"Soon as I heard I rushed down from me hut to give you a big congratulations. I know you'll catch the snitch first, I just know it!"

Played on my cousins computer one time as a kid and I had a blast.

Best VR game I have ever played. Felt intense, fun, spooky sometimes, and I was really able to feel immersed in the world. I don't get the opportunity to play many VR games, but I think this game set the bar for AAA VR games

This is the first game my younger brother ever purchased. It was a banger tbh

I remember playing this with my friend as a kid and we thought it was great. Replayed it recently and it is.... not.

Used to play this at my neighbors house.

Learned only today that I was playing this as a kid and not DDR. I think we even had two gamecube controls that were themed after this game. They sucked ass and they were the ones I would have to use while my older brothers took the good ones.

Nothing like blowing the balls off Nazis

I only got it on games with gold when they were about to take the servers offline.

Wish I had been able to play it when it had a higher player count, though I remember hearing it was not that great.

Kinda paved the way for DBD and similar games though tbh.

I remember sitting in the computer room and my dad said he had just bought this game before handing me the disc. I just remember listening to T.N.T. on repeat while failing to do the most basic tricks. I also remember making big spike pit levels on the skate park creator.

What a wild time.