What a meh-ass tech demo. The only fun part was shooting with gyro motion-controls but that’s also the only part where it drops in frames. You don’t do much else than that other than to flush toilets and listen to this blue portal-looking mf.

I took too long to sign my name on the touch screen, so it went like: actually fuck you, you don’t get to sign anything.

At least this game does something right, and that is to redefine the meaning of what a job is. #normalizetoiletwarmachienes #normalize #toilet #war-machines

I like the mantises tho, they cute. :D

Reviewed on Dec 21, 2022


1 year ago

why is donkey kong so sad? It's the holidays, he should be excited!

1 year ago

He caught on fire by his candle-lit christmas tree - (hence his depressing expression)

He is as excited Dr. Eggman seems to be, but not at the particular moment of the photo.

1 year ago

Donkey Kong and Dr. Eggman are one in the same, you see