Best flight sim game
I don't have any negative things about this game

Peak multiplayer
The idea of the game is just amazing
The gameplay is very fun with the different characters that have different abilities, the gameplay have that tension felling
The design of most of the maps are great
The gameplay depends on a strategy that you must make
The sound design is very good
The events that come are fun
You will always have fun when you play it with your friends, it depends on team work
I just hope they will do an update that upgrade the graphics

Good idea
But shit presentation


Sifu is a game developed by French studio sloclap.
I enjoyed the game the gameplay is just pure fun and has a lot of move set and by time and practice you will understand it and become better at the game, the rouge like elements are very good ,
There are 3 difficulties the hardest one is just....misery
The art style is beautiful, with a nice music, the Boss fights are very cool
The game has a great reply value
But I think the story wasn't that good ,
The direction was great

Reply value
Art style

Shallow story

Jump scare simulator
Shit camera
Shit voice acting
Shit characters
Shit story
No making sense
Just fun with friends laughing at this called horror game

They did it again!!!
8 hours of peak.