This was a bit ignored because it was directly after AC Unity but hey. This game is hella fun, it felt great traversing through London. Plus you get to play as 2 characters because the protagonists are twins.

AC Brotherhood is better than AC II. Fight me

My fave features:
-The call Assassins / arrow storm aspect
-The town building (especially the passive money gain through the bank system)
-The the one horse into another horse assassinations (

Sending love to this under appreciated gem.

I thought I'd enjoyed it since it seemed similar to inFAMOUS but I did not. It just didn't click with me I guess.

I like the original year 2000 version more.

Who knew playing as an immigration inspector at a border checkpoint could be so fun?
Plus there's a great short film about this game:


The video game equivalent of a pretentious movie. Great puzzles and that ending was superb.

Game could've been fun but controls are so clunky. And wtf were parts with Naga that were like temple run segments??

"The hookblade has two parts; the hook, and the blade"

Best video game quote ever.

This is so disappointing, no. It's actually very offensive. How could they do this to Plants vs. Zombies. Oh I know why. 2 letters. E. A.

I replayed this in so many platforms. That's how much I love this game. Even the end credit song is so catchy.

Surprisingly fun mobile game, plus it even has a story.

Could've been fun but it's super buggy. My save file disappeared after the first mission then it just won't progress afterwards. It also forced me to equip an item but the item cant be equipped since it's a higher level. Damn, what a pity, it seemed like it was a fun game. It's like a main AC game but cut into missions. Not totally open world.

Gem system is bad. Gems needed for some upgrades and only way to get gems is to level up. There are no ads for it. So yes it's free but after you run out of gems to buy new restaurants expect replaying old stages again and again.

Pretty bright af powers, it's great to be able to play as a girl but bummer it's such a short game.