Great survival horror game that feels like a PS1 title but with modern gaming QoL (no tank controls, reload button for weapons, use contextual items by interacting with the level instead of opening the inventory menu...)!

The ambiant is amazing, I really enjoyed my time in the creepy and disturbing world of Signalis. I bought this game because of its artstyle (me love pixels), but I was hooked by it's gameplay and exploration! You never feel safe, you never have enough inventory space but you always find a way to progress. The level design is great, the levels always feels so gigantic and dangerous at first and become easier to navigate the more your play. Every room has its distinctive elements so the rooms layout can be memorized to optimize your trips and lesser risks. Difficulty is well balanced, I did not struggle with any of the fights and died only a few times. Flee is a always a valid option, with the exception of boss fights, so there are always at least 2 ways of handleling a danger.

The story can be quite cryptic, and some might not like it, but I enjoyed crafting theories on what was actually happening as I played. The ending I got didn't explain a lot of things but I'm fine with it. I have my interpretation and that's enough for me.
If you are one of those who needs to have everything explained at the end, maybe this is not a game for you (unless you like watching 2h long lore videos lol)

All in all, a solid game and an impressive production considering it was made by only two people!

Reviewed on Jun 24, 2024
