I played the Wii version on Dolphin emulator, using a Gamecube controller.
The game has 2 storylines, and you have to make a choice when you begin your adventure. You either start playing as the Princess Momohime, or the Ninja Kisuke.
I completed the entirety of Momohime's story, and then played about half of Kisuke's story, but I grew tired of the game before I could finish it and get all the endings. So I watched the rest on YouTube.

Muramasa is a Hack and Slash set in feudal Japan, with an absolutely gorgeous artstyle.
The characters all look so pretty, and the animations are extremely stylish whenever you run or swing your sword around in battle.
Slashing hordes of enemies from left to right, sending them into the air, and cutting through all of them at the same time using the quick draw is so exhilarating.

It would have been great to have more enemies with different patterns to make the combat less repetitive. Some of the environments & layouts are also recycled, stressing even more the repetitiveness of the game.

That's weird how they handled the regular encounters.
When you die during a fight, you respawn immediatly, but the enemies don't. So the game deprives you of all this exp, which is required to earn spirits & souls to unlock more weapons.
I'm still not sure how to feel about it. On one hand, it's a bummer to miss out on this exp, but on the other hand, it allows you to progress in the story more rapidly.

I really dig the use of japanese folklore. Muramasa is full of those myths & traditions, with kitsunes, spirits and onis.
There's an evil spirit taking ownership of Momohime's body during most of the game. The NPCs often mention ghost apparitions, possessions, and you even travel through Heaven & Hell. There are also mentions of Buddha and Amitabha.
All these legendary elements made for a really fascinating adventure.

The soundtrack is pretty nice overall, and it does have some heavy hitters. I loved "Womanizing", "Dim Twilight" and "Deep in Mountain and Valley"

Now that I've seen the 2 storylines more or less, I think I enjoy Kisuke's story more. I wonder if I would have prefered starting the game with him. There are more interesting moments during his storyline, and I liked the encounters with Torahime a lot.

I'll try coming back to this game later on to do the DLCs 👌

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Started on January 22th & stopped on February 3rd 2024]
Playtime: 12 hours
I finished Momohime's story and stopped halfway through Kisuke's story, at Sayo Boss fight. I watched the rest of the game including the endings on YouTube.

Reviewed on Feb 03, 2024
