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Time Played

0h 59m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 10, 2024

Platforms Played


The Punisher is another of Capcom's many 2d beat 'em ups, and doesn't stray too far from the formula. Excellent spritework and music, and extremely challenging gameplay, often bordering on the "pretty bullshit, actually" side of things. Not much to report on that side of things, it's enjoyable with unlimited quarters and probably kind of frustrating without, unless you're a god.

Where The Punisher does get really fucking funny, though, is in trying to fit the source material in this mold that really does not fit it. It's trying to give the impression of a gritty crime story with early 90s comics edge, but you still eat pizzas and meat off the ground to heal, and even in cutscenes Frank can leap like 20 meters straight up and punch through brick walls. He also has a gun, obviously, but he's honorable enough to only use it when up against other similarly armed enemies, which means he'll be pulling it out mid-boss battle to deal with the summons, and then politely holster it again so he can resume getting his face stomped in by some massive robot. Unless he finds a gun on the ground, which he can use whenever. Well, most guns, some just give you points, of course. He has a cool super move that drains his health, but also another super move that's him just chucking a grenade and diving for cover.

This is the game equivalent of movies like Conan the Barbarian (1982) that get so high off their own testosterone that they stop making sense, and it is glorious. Look at this fucking guy.