Such a cool concept- Randomizers already prove just how open these games can be, to fuse two of them together is just more of a good thing. I don't exactly have organized thoughts because it's hard to rate a mod of two mods of two games so here's some spare thoughts.

-You'll very likely need to do most of your playthrough without the Pegasus Boots for ALTTP and without the Morph Bombs for SM, former is an annoyance, latter is a massive game changer until you have like 15 Power Bombs.
-I love the idea of Link running into these super high-tech pickups and having no idea what to do with them so he hands them off to Samus, who in turn gives him these basically stone age tools she keeps finding around.
-By virtue of it being the longer game and having a lot more item pickups, ALTTP usually takes up a little less than 2/3rd of the gameplay, which I'd rather it didn't because Super Metroid is very much more of a gamer game, if you get what I'm saying, it's got a lot more expression and sequence breaks whereas ALTTP is often just going through motions. Fun motions, but yknow, I don't get to do a completely meaningless skip and get one 20 rupee pickup I'd normally need a powerup for.
- I've played a SM randomizer like three times and I've still never had to do Draygon without the Grapple Beam. RIP bozo I'm never learning how to actually fight you.
-I hate Super Metroid quicksand. Legit the worst aspect of the game and it's not even close.
-I must've gotten a really unlucky seed because by the time I could fight the final bosses I had basically everything (All E-Tanks and Reserve Tanks, all Heart Containers and only missing two Heart Pieces, to give an example). I actually straight-up 100%ed the Super Metroid side of it.
-A Link to the Past is a lot harder than I remembered, though it might be because I only found the red/blue mails in the final dungeon.

Overall a pretty fun experience though sort of rough. In the future if I ever get the itch I think I'll just play Super Metroid randomizers, no hate to ALTTP but just doesn't have the same kinda sauce.

Reviewed on Jun 29, 2024
