Another game that falls under the umbrella of "Esoteric Career Simulators". This time around we roleplay as stereotypical southerners salvaging items from abandoned barns and selling the items off for money.

The biggest issue this game presented was in its boring gameplay loop. Finding items for free gave no incentive to get a high profit for them at the store, and the only purchases available being mediocre tool upgrades makes any money you do earn feel meaningless. Also for some reason, there was sometimes a racist yellowface caricature on the back of my store on the Employee Of The Month plaque, like I don't even give a shit if the devs are "racism falls under free speech" weirdos it's just unnecessary mate. It adds nothing, doesn't correlate to any other humour in the game, and just makes the devs look like dickheads.

Reviewed on May 10, 2022
