Pretty solid megaman-y style stage platformer from the team behind the upcoming TMNT: Shredder's Revenge.

It's cool that you're constantly collecting breakable weapons, and there's a deliberate trade-off between consuming your weapon for a buff or using it until it breaks, but I felt like it didn't really add much variety to the gameplay.

The soundtrack is a banger, though. Lots of worldly variants on the main riffs.

All 3 routes completed, and all 3 absolutely necessary to get the big picture of what led to the events of Ys I & II, so don't miss out. I also think Character 3 was probably the most fun of the bunch.

Origin is the one that people could argue isn't exactly "required reading", being a prequel and all (Ys protag Adol isn't at all featured in the story or even referenced) but honestly it's such a good game on its own merits that I don't think it should be missed.

Ys I & II absolutely need to be played together back to back, unlike basically any other game in the storied series.

It's the only time in "modern" Ys that you'll ever have to deal with the bump system, for better or worse, and the story is pretty straightforward with very little notable dialogue, but Falcom sows the seeds of its world very deliberately.

I don't know if they ever adjusted it in any way, but we only really got to play bot games when we played and the bots were g r u e l i n g. It's a really cool space shooter though and it looks gorgeous to boot.

Gunvolt is a rad game! I was hoping I'd like GV2 more, but it was probably about the same. The 2nd game dragged a bit and definitely felt a little less deliberate in its direction than the first, but that didn't stop me from picking up Luminous Avenger iX.

IIRC, the original Megaman Zero put a fledgling Inti Creates on the map, and some of its best work followed. I'm especially partial to Mega Man ZX thanks to its sorta metroidvania-y structure, but the rest are fantastic too. A great collection of games to keep.

It's definitely a video game.

I liked playing it, don't plan on going back in earnest but I'm sure I'll pop in from time to time. The combat's not bad and I like the environments and music.

Some goofy quirks aside, the campaign is legitimately good, and I'm sure story content to follow will be similar.

The catch here is that campaign segments are designed specifically for the heroes you play as during them, and when you take that aspect away in the multiplay side, it just turns into an amorphous brawler that doesn't really emphasize what makes some of these heroes cool. It really doesn't inspire replayability if you're looking for any sort of depth beyond a shallow grind.

It seems cool, and it is! I just know it's the kind of game that'll eat up a lot of my time if I really try to finish the main quest, so I'm holding off on it in favor of some higher priority stuff.

August 2020 was the summer of multiplay for a couple good reasons, and I was really hoping FFCC would cap the whole deal off with an amazing jaunt reminiscent of my favorite childhood days goofing off with my friends on the GameCube.

Online, unfortunately, is a swampy mess and there are so many things I was left wanting for quality of life experience. Hype for this one died quick. It's still FF Crystal Chronicles at its core, which is cool, just...a pain to organize and actually enjoy.

Among Us was a fun way to reconnect with people last year when we were all stuck at home. I'm still more or less stuck at home, but I've shifted my attention to the backlog instead of goofing around on a spaceship...

Phew. I never played the original Panzer Dragoon, but always heard reverence for the game. I don't know if it's just that the game itself didn't age especially well or if the dev team needed to shape up on how fluid the remake felt, but it definitely didn't feel like I'd have imagined a 2020 rail shooter. It was still fun for a week and it obviously wasn't that bad, otherwise I probably wouldn't have finished it.

Loved this game offline, have such a hard time bringing myself to play it online. Very cool fighting game with very not cool netcode.

I'll probably come back to it somewhere down the line, whether it's for a cool character or just to get some matches in.

I'll probably visit it again at some point. Really cool and creative BR game but I felt like it was missing something for me personally, and I'm not sure what. Really love that it feels reminiscent of stuff like Tribes Ascend at times, though I'd like to just play Tribes again if that's how I really feel.

100% completion for the main game, despite all of its flaws (that framerate, yikes) it's still a really neat Warriors title with some great Zelda moments.