210 Reviews liked by ArtemisFalls

Five starts purely for the memories and everything that happened to me because of this game and series

Fuck melee. It's nice but this one just has more and better gameplay. But i wish Singleplayer content would be better. Especially if you call it "Ultimate"

Same as 2018 but i like it better by a bit

o jogo é muito bom e olha que eu não sou fã de jogos de puzzles

In Progress: I've only played the first episode so far but I've already nearly cried like four times, this is very good and exactly what i needed

Just got around to finishing it. Personally I think the ending could of been just a tad better in a few areas but otherwise I really have zero problems with this. It made me laugh, smile and tear up a lot and this was a wonderful experience. Also the first platinum i've gotten in a long time! so thats something. And I get to be a lesbian so its perfect


My First ever review of literally anything.

On June 3, 2022, Capcom announced the remake of one of the most influential games of all time, which also happens to be my all-time favorite game. For the past 9 months, the idea & existence of this remake has been on my mind. I have always been skeptical of remakes because they often fail to capture the essence of the original source material. In recent years, game developers have been focused on modernizing games to appeal to a wider audience, but in doing so, they often sacrifice the unique elements that made the source material what it is. This was my experience with RE3R, and while I wasn't the biggest fan of RE2R either, I feared that Capcom would discard the old-school, cheesy elements of RE4 in favor of a bland, modern upgrade.

Having played the game, I can confidently say that my initial thoughts were mostly off base. Mr. Yasuhiro Anpo's deep knowledge and reverence for the original game are evident in this new reimagining of Resident Evil 4. Rather than simply remaking the original, Anpo has created a replica that brilliantly captures the game's iconic schlocky atmosphere while also catering to both old and new audiences. The balance between nostalgia and modernization is so well-executed that it seamlessly blends in with the original content, resulting in an enjoyable experience for all players. In addition, Anpo has introduced new mechanics that make the game feel fresh and interactive, and the re-arrangement of locations has greatly benefited the game's overall design. These changes not only breathe new life into the game, but they also enhance the overall experience for both old fans and newcomers alike.

1. Level/Map Design: -

The Village: A landmark in gaming design, thanks to the beautifully crafted levels created by Shinji Mikami and his team. The village is iconic due to its excellent design, and the remake mostly lives up to the original. While there are some design choices that are a bit mixed, some are significantly improved. Chapter 1 is just as good as the original, if not better. The beginning of the game up until the farm area is 90% like the original, but the remake takes a different direction from then on, which is admirable. Each area has more depth and significance, which builds a more interesting world while remaining truthful to the original design. In addition, fans of the original game will appreciate the Easter eggs/hints hidden throughout the remake. Moving on from chapter 1, the remake team made logical and sensible rearrangements to each location. Some areas that were previously just a quick sprint in the original game are now filled with action and atmosphere, making each step count. By the end of chapter 3, the game becomes a semi-open world, forcing players to revisit old locations to find treasures, solve puzzles, and discover new weapons. This addition is brilliant because it makes the village feel like an actual village that is widely vast and connected, adding an extra layer of depth to the exploration mechanism. Unlike the original game, which only had players moving from point A to B and back, the village is now connected by the lake, making players think and choose wisely before taking each step. While much of the Village remake is faithful to the original, there are some changes that leave me feeling mixed or unhappy. One such change is the removal of some levels from the village, including the gondolas. The gondola’s area added to the sense of suspense leading up to the big cheese fight, with its quiet and eerie atmosphere. The isolated location of the boss added to their aura of fear and mystery. The leading to the big cheese in the remake was such a weak anti-atmosphere set-up to a fight that is considered one of the finest. It was no more than a generic chase ended by a cutscene. To give a credit where its due, they had you face him before his transformation which is kinda neat. Moreover, the second giant fight was removed from the remake, which is understandable but still somewhat disappointing.
Overall, although some of these changes were positive on my first run, I think that they are hurting the replay ability value. What made the OG game great was that it’s a non-stop ride from the start to end, but with the addition of new some areas in the village it might have become a slog that stops the player’s progression for a couple of minutes.

The Castle: the main second area of resident evil 4. Rememrable with being over the top with its themes and divergence from the initial atmosphere. The remake did really change a lot of the castle. like the village, Capcom removed/ replaced a lot of it which Is a decision I totally liked, I mean by this that I totally despise the latter part of it in the OG. But were the replacements that good? Well, one of the biggest changes in the castle area of Resident Evil 4 remake was the removal of its second chapter which included the sewage area and other forgettable encounters. But fear not, because Capcom replaced it with a totally new chapter that is surely better than its predecessor. What's great about the new chapter is how it seamlessly fits into the overall storyline of Resident Evil 4, building upon the game's themes of survival, horror, and action. The new enemies and environments are beautifully designed, adding even more depth and complexity to the already rich world of the game. One thing that stands out about the new chapter is how it manages to balance action with suspense and horror and add new little twists and turns by using never seen enemies before. As in the village where they add the pig/minitour guy or whatever he was, now we have the red-dressed cult guy who's mechanics are well-blended within its surroundings and can create interesting encounters and decisions made by the player. It also tie-in the whole palga thing creatively. In the castle, You'll never know what's around the next corner, and the tension is palpable throughout. The puzzles are also cleverly integrated into the gameplay, requiring you to think strategically and creatively to progress. The overall design of the castle reminded of the RE8. I know that this has been said repeatedly but the team did really benefit from Lady Dimitrescu’s castle design. The castle here in the remake felt like a cultish castle with its dread & depressing atmosphere. It’s now filled with narrow corridors and small rooms which makes it realistic. Opposing to the spaciousness of the old one. They also add the ability to backtrack the whole castle to get more treasures, and what’s more impressive is that didn’t ditch the idea of re-spawning enemies in previous areas. There are a lot of downsides in the castle such as the pacing, feels a little too slow.

The Island: I was pleasantly surprised by the Island section in the Resident Evil 4 remake. Although the developers maintained the action-heavy vibe, they toned it down enough to make it fit into the game's overall flow. From the moment Leon sets foot on the Island, the back-to-back non-stop thrills begin. The armed Ganado enemies are back and just as menacing as ever, and the Regenerator is even more terrifying than before. While some fans may be disappointed with the cut down U3 boss, I think it was a smart decision. The original game didn't give the boss a proper buildup, and its mechanics were not intuitive. In the remake, the developers wisely focused on delivering a more satisfying and immersive experience. What I appreciated most about the Island section was how it managed to balance action with suspense and horror. The pacing was spot on. and as usual the graphics and sound design were exceptional, adding to the overall immersion and intensity of the experience. I was disappointed a bit with Krauser’s clash, thought the original had a far more interesting fight. Also, wished they removed a lot from chapter 15. It sucked on both games (less in the remake ofc).

2. Narrative: -

I was disappointed with some of the choices the developers made regarding the dialogue in the game. The original had a certain charm to it because of the cheesy, over-the-top dialogue. This is what made the game so lovable to its fans. However, in the modernization of games to fit current culture, some of this charm is being lost. While I understand the need to update games for a new generation of players, it's important not to lose sight of what made the original game great. The cheesy dialogue was a big part of the game's appeal, and it's a shame that it has been toned down in the remake. I believe that this takes away from the overall experience and the nostalgia that fans of the original game were hoping for. The game won’t hit new players as it did the old ones. Most cutscenes aren’t that memorable because of their blandness and being generic. However, as I was progressing in the game till I reached to the final merchant/save room and stared at the door. I started to realize that this isn’t a remake of some sort, it’s more like a continuation of the old game? I started to understand what the writing team might have been trying to do here. They intended it to be that way, to be a resident evil 4-2 type of thing. To strike a good example, in Hideaki Anno’s Evangelion 3.0+1.0 he tried to combine all the source material to create a definitive ending to his work. He combined the manga/Anime/Re-builds into the finale where he concluded the whole goddamn thing. I sense that the same thing is happening here. Characters who had less screen time are now getting much more and vice-versa. Their dialogue/resolution is built upon the OG game. What I’m trying to say is that you have to play the OG to understand the whole conclusion of each character’s arch in this game. Ik I might sound insane but frfr

At this point I got I really tired while writing so gonna put my my thoughts as bps

+ The new merchant offers a different experience to his predecessor. Both are good in their own ways.
+ Side-quests are fun.
+ New knife mechanics are stellar, I can’t understand the
people who dislike it.
+ Graphics/Art direction are top notch.
+ Most bosses are better now.
+ Ashley's mechanics are better.
+ Last sequence before entering Luis's lab.

- Ada’s voice actor????????????????
- Some pacing issues here and there.
- As mentioned above, dialogue wasn’t the most
memorable. Salazar was butchered.
- Cart mission Isn’t that good here.
- Ammo Distribution sucks so much, I barely used anything except my red9 for the 80% of my time playing (tested it on both standard/hardcore)
- Some iconic enemy lines were cut off, why?
- Mike was cringe here.

It was great. I had a feeling that it could be as good as the RE2 remake, but it didn't quite reach those heights for me. Nevertheless, I can finally say that I love RE4, at least in this form. I was never a fan of the original and found it to be the start of the downfall of Resident Evil for me. Thankfully, Capcom course-corrected with the release of RE7 years ago. Now, I think RE4R is a survival horror game with some action elements, and not the other way around. Even if it's a modern survival horror game and not one with tank controls like the first three and Code Veronica (which, by the way, I hope they remake too).

There are still some aspects of the level design that I don't like, and I think the game still overstays its welcome (although less so than the original). Ada was the weak link this time with a bad VA performance, but all the other changes were for the best. It feels good to play an RE game with some sort of resource management, a sense of survival horror, and great backtracking. This modern RE formula is so enjoyable to me that it even makes RE4R a great game for me.

I'm so glad that they made so many changes. Ashley is GREAT now, one of my favorite characters in the franchise. The original version of Ashley was one of my least favorite characters, along with Steven from Code Veronica. Some of the chracters like Luis, Krauser, and the toned-down story overall were also great changes.

What can I say... Resident Evil 4 is a masterclass in action horror. Gameplay, level design, pacing all top tier.. I couldn't put it down. The mechanics are deeper, the puzzles are simple yet effective and the bossfights are intense and memorable. The attention to detail like Leon cocking his handgun while switching between guns, his realistic movements and even breathing.. All of it adds up to create an immersive experience that I found incredibly satisfying to play. I'm glad I finally love a RE game.
(Please make more like this Capcom x)

A perfect modernization of Resident Evil 4, this remake adds in some sections that the original was lacking in and improves many aspects of the originals gameplay, while also adding more modern features and an amazing coat of new paint with the modern graphics. This is what every remake should seek to be.

This review contains spoilers

Me and Resident Evil 4 have a long history, as it was one of the first games I've ever gotten from a family member and I was instantly blown away. I never saw anything like it and to this day it's my third favorite game of all time (Bloodborne and Fallout New Vegas surpass it but only slightly). When news came out that it was getting a remake I was somewhat cautious since the last REmake at the time sucked ass (though REmake and RE2make are superb) but after playing those fears are funny in hindsight. RE4make is absolutely one of the most respectful remakes I've played in recent time, with clear homage and new additions making the experience just different enough for old fans (and some pretty cheeky changes which is always hilarious). Some new changes also surpass the original imo, with my new favorite gameplay change being that of the knife. In OG 4 it was already a force to be reckoned with but they somehow made it BETTER in the remake, with so much utility offensively and defensively which makes it the first thing players should upgrade, with the only downside being durability that can only be repaired at Merchants which is a bit annoying. Another great addition is those of the script, with so much more character added to everyone (props to whoever voiced Ashley she fucking nailed the performance and keeping RE2make Leon was also an excellent decision). Some smaller changes also help the pacing through like treasures being easier and merchant requests making spinels much more important (though I didn't really care for how many were either the same objective or just fetch quests).

The two main things that keep this from being better compared to the original would be the Pacing and overall gameplay. Pacing wise the Remake does a great job with keeping momentum but at the same time feels a bit sluggish in some sections (mainly the middle). Gameplay is a weird one because the guns do feel really good (would absolutely recommend turning ballistic volume up in the audio) but is so much weaker compared to the original games excellent gun sound. That being said the new gore effects are so fucking good and make blasting ganados a bloody treat. Also felt escorting Ashley felt a lot worse compared to the original, with so much of the direct control from controlling her gone in place of weird ai shit that does a really bad job of not getting out of the way (though she is also much easier to maintain health wise which is appreciated). Last thing I'll say about the gameplay is fighting some of the new enemies/bosses felt worse, with Del Lago and Garrador being kinda nerfed in the transition but for differing reasons (Del Lagos fight takes away a lot of tension and Garrador is easily cheesed with the stealth system). Lastly there is some content from the original that sadly did not make it to the remake but at the same time the new stuff is really damn good (besides the red guys being really fucking annoying).

Resident Evil 4 is a quality game that should be experienced by anyone who calls themselves a horror fan or shooter fan in general. Whether its original or remake this game is one of the best in its genre and I can't wait to come back to it for years to come.


Um exemplo de remake!!!

Resident Evil 4 é um jogo que não só marcou uma geração, mas também definiu tendências na indústria dos jogos. Até hoje a influência de RE4 é vista em inúmeros jogos, tendo a principal inspiração a câmera no ombro do personagem. Por ser um jogo tão amado e importante para a indústria, a Capcom tinha uma missão muito difícil e delicada em suas mãos: reviver a mesma experiência e sensação do jogo clássico, porém, atualizando para os moldes de hoje em dia. Se ela conseguiu? Vamos lá!
O anúncio de Resident Evil 4 remake teve uma recepção mista, algumas pessoas dizem ser desnecessário e outros ficaram empolgados em poder experienciar novamente a missão de Leon no interior da Espanha. Agora com o jogo em nossas mãos posso dizer que sim, esse remake ERA NECESSÁRIO. RE4R pegou tudo que o original fez certo e replicou quase que um pra um, mas reimaginando cenários e acontecimentos. E claro, as partes toscas e chatas do jogo original foram deixadas de lado para abraçar um tom mais sério e pé no chão que os games anteriores tem.
A narrativa e o desenvolvimento dos personagens ficou muito melhor aqui. Você sente que esse universo é vivo e interligado aos outros jogos da franquia, coisa que o original pecava um pouco. Os personagens correspondem bem mais com suas características de acordo com sua idade ou personalidade. Leon está muito mais maduro e traumatizado com os eventos que passou em Resident Evil 2 e Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles, você consegue sentir que o personagem não é só um super agente que fica fazendo piada com tudo (como era no original) e sim uma pessoa com várias camadas. Depois de tantas críticas ao enredo dos remakes passados, aqui, a Capcom fez o dever de casa e deixou tudo mais amarrado e coeso com os outros jogos. Não tenho o que reclamar desse ponto.
A gameplay de Resident Evil 4 remake é o que mais se destaca. Lembra da gameplay viciante do original? Pois bem, aqui a coisa fica ainda melhor. Leon ganhou movimentos novos como o perry com a faca que permite um gameplay mais livre, mas não vai pensando que isso facilitou o jogo, muito pelo contrário, o jogo está bem mais difícil que o original. A exploração está excelente, você tem inúmeros lugares para explorar e achar recursos. O Design de mapa está sensacional, tudo é interligado e você sente que existe vários caminhos que você pode seguir. Os puzzles não são incríveis, mas estão bem melhores que o original, talvez você fique uns minutinhos pensando. O jogo adicionou sidequest para aumentar ainda mais o sentimento de exploração e recompensa, sem falar que adiciona uns desafio legais no percurso. Ashley está muito mais inteligente agora, atrapalhando muito menos o jogador e até sendo útil em determinadas partes. O único ponto negativo na gameplay seria a ação desenfreada que começa na ilha, o jogo parece que vira outro e isso me incomodou um pouco, mas não fica ruim de jogar, só não é melhor que as outras partes que focam mais no terro e a exploração.
A parte técnica está maravilhosa, apenas a performance que cai um pouco. Gráficos, trilha sonora, efeitos sonoros, ambientação, dublagem em ptbr e inglês ta tudo lindo e bem feito. Presenciei alguns bugs como ficar preso na parede ou a ia desligar, mas nada muito gritante.
Enfim... Recomendo que joguem Resident Evil 4 remake. Ele supera em quase todos os pontos o original e trás o quarto título numerado da franquia mais para os moldes dos anteriores. O preço do jogo está salgado como sempre, mas fiquei feliz que a Capcom deixou o jogo por 249,00 o que é incrível para os moldes de hoje em dia.


They removed the cheese from a lot of the game, but it's still mad good tbh

Não queria usar a palavra carta de amorpara resident evil 4 remake, mas infelizmente é isso o que essa obra prima é.

RE4R pega o material do original e faz algo fora da curva, uma masterpiace superando o original e todos os jogos da franquia, Resident Evil 4 Remake é uma carta de amor ara os fãs de resident evil, ao fãs de resident evil 4 e aos fãs de video game, entrando nesse novo mercado como o jogo da minha vida.