Timeless classic, my favorite part was when I spent 20 minutes looking for a key just to found out it was behind a door that looked exactly as the rest of the wall texture, 4/5 would recommend.

A worse version of the main game, all the bad but none of the good parts, I like Adewale as a character, but he doesn't have the personality to be a protagonist, and of course the barely existent story didn't help much either


This was a pretty soild game, but it definitely should had been a spin-off or a what if? scenerio, cause altought I liked it, I can understand fans disliking going from a gangster focus game, to an Alien simulation superpowers sandbox game.

really short, I think the shortess of the 3 dlcs, but it gives you the most op weapon in the entire game so pretty soild overall

Maybe my Favorite AC, from the solid story to the peak naval combat that somehow is 100 times better than most "naval" combat focus games today (aka Skull n Bones). The worst part is by far the one to one combat, and a the repetetive mission structures (tail this tail that) oh boy do they sucks, the combat it's a worse and buggier version of the AC3, that was already pretty simple compare to previous and future games, and half the missions follow the worst parts of all AC games, you're either tailing someone or eardroping someone half the time.

Last time I'd play this game was on the original Xbox One, and it was terrible, it ran at like 5 fps, but now, playing again on a SX (altough at 30 fps) it was a great experience, just mindless fun with amazing distruction and physics, something I can say about most modern games...

The bavarium boost is worth the price alone, it turn JC3 into the best non-Ironman Ironman game there is

Although it was great Fo76 add actual npcs back then when this came out, the actual story is kinda bad, and the eternal broken state of this game didn't help, obviously is way better this days, but still.

Open world game, fun zombie game, but that's kinda it, average story, generic dialogue and annoying characters, especially Decon and his schizo rants.

Filler campaign doesn't even come close to describe this, Bungie actually said "Making good campaigns is hard, so we won't be doing that again", even the magic grappling hook sucked ass.

Bungie manage to make an actual campaign, with actual missions and set pieces, they rembember how to make good videogames for a momenta, this should be the standard for all D2 expansion since the beginning and moving forward (oh boy I'm sure this statements won't age like milk)

Stasis was kinda cool, but I also hate it for what it did to the pvp, the actual story was a forgettable fart, just random side quest with cinematics that explain the story time to time.

The infinite and unbeatable quest of Bungie, down and ups, goods and bads, they somehow manage to make a game that's the best and the worst example of it's genre.