Literally an example of how should squels look like.

What is this game about:
Its a very atmospheric platformer with amazing story and even more amazing soundtrack.

Good things:

- Story
- Soundtrack
- Level design
- Graphics
- Side quests
- Mechanics
- Puzzels
- Collectables which arent annoying and fun to collect and look for
- Ability to speedrun some sections and compete with other players
- Map / game world

Bad things:
- Visual bugs

The story isnt really special in terms of structure (You can sometimes easily predict how the story is going to continue or you are not really surprised of certain verdict of the story etc).
What is special about the story tho is its form of telling its self.
The game tells its story visually in cutscenes instead of dialogues.
Dont get me wrong, there are dialogues in this game between npcs, but its in form of "click and another sentence will apear in the bubble”.
The reason why i said “in bubble” is because the npcs or more like creatures have its own language.
The soundtrack gives the story a one of a kind atmosphere, so i think you can understand now why cutscenes dont really have dialogues.

Level design + mechanics + side quests:

The level design is very good and i think i can safely say its better than in the first game.
Unlike the first game, the sequel actually improved combat as a whole, plus you unlock new abilityes via shop, skill trees (like in the first game) and some of them trought out the story.
Another nice addition is side quests.
Side quests in this game have actually some little story and your actions that you take not only in some side quests actually mean something and will show trought out your whole playtrough.

Map / game world:
As it was in the first ori, the world is much more colourfull and alive, i think the game trailer and gameplay show its self, so theres no need to say anything about it.
Its just amazing.

Bad things:
The only “bad thing” that i can come up with are visual bugs.
These bugs werent frequent (actually it only happened to me like three times or so), but still it was pretty wierd.
Thankfully, it isnt anything game breaking and will fix basically automaticly.
To be exact, it was a wierd texture bug with mobs, which made them significantly bigger than they should be.

Overall its an amazing game which should every platformer player give a chance (its basically need for them/you).
If you arent a platformer player tho, i still think you should atleast give it a chance :).

The one bug i came across with didnt really affect my experience.

I recommend it even for the full price, even tho if you will buy it like me in sale for 10euros, its basically a steal lol.


(Copied from my steam review)

Reviewed on Jun 08, 2024
