Lego starwars is a game with good humour.

Good things:
- Story
- Humour
- Mechanics
- Its easy
- Big world
- Graphics
- Quicktime events

Bad things:
- A LOT of collection items
- Camera
- Menu

The story is obviously based on the canon franchise, but it adds some small funny changes.
If you are „diehard” Starwars fan tho, i can assure you that the story isnt changed to the point it would be against the films.
Speakin of funny changes, i meant the humour that is added.
I understand that for some people it can be childish (even tho you should expect that because its literally a game for children), either way i personally enjoyed it.

By mechanics in this game, i mean stuff like building.
Even tho some people say the lego building isnt used in the full potential, as it was used in the previous lego games.
Yes you build less, but i dont think it really messes up the game.
You can either build already destroyed buldings or rebuild them.
Sometimes you need to destroy certain buildings to rebuild them as a different “thing” to progress trough the level.
There are also some parkour mechanics, but i dont think they are worth talking about because they are very primitive.
At the end, we have vehicle mechanics.
Flying mechanics are kinda fun, and not hard to pick up, however i cant say the same thing for ground based vehicles.
They are as primitive as parkour in this game.
Fortunatelly, they dont really play a big role in this game, so its forgivable.

Big world:
To be honest, i kinda enjoyed exploring the world.
Thanks to the graphics its beautiful.
Thanks to the side content and collectables, theres motivation to come back after you complete the story.
The world functions on traveling between planets, which i think is a good idea.
However, there are a lot of planets which i think they dont really fit based on elaboration.
They just feel empty, and few of them are really small.

Quicktime events:
Another aspect, which i think is good are quicktime events.
Some poeole like them, some poeple dont.
However i do so yeah…
If you by a chance dont like them tho, there is a lot of them trought out the main story.
So i guess suit yourself, but i gotta mention they arent hard at all.

A LOT of collection items:
If you are one of those poeple, who complete every achivment on a game they play, you are not gonna like this.

The only reason why i put camera there is, because it always lock on the boss in boss fights with no option to unlock it.
Which is very annoying.

This aspect is also kinda small, but its still worth mentioning.
Menu in this game feels kinda unclear and overall i feel like its “chaotic” a bit.

Overall its a great game that is worth trying out if you are lego or starwars fan.
However if you are fan of both, its kinda a no brainer, especially when its on sale.


(Copied from my steam review)

Reviewed on Jun 08, 2024
