The main thing taking a star off is Alan's sections — they do not really lead anywhere, fittingly, they have obtuse puzzles which boil down to a lot of trial and error, and have little to no variety in gameplay. Alan't campaign bogs the pace down and could have easily been truncated to half the length in my opinion.

The story was fine. The twists were fairly predictable, and I am annoyed by the way Alan narrates things. It gets on my nerves, which causes me to dislike the character, and his story, more. Overall, it was rather interesting and, bar gameplay, well-paced and well-told.

The graphics are very good and the gameplay mechanics, while taking some time to get used to, do lead to some fun moments. The cinematic direction was good, too.

Overall, it is a game with very good presentation and enough substance to not keep you bored, but it did not particularly move me.

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2024
