This game has the best graphics, some of the best gameplay, and some of the best atmosphere in video games. It's a perfect mix of compelling gameplay and even more compelling setting and story. The music, while mostly not my cup of tea, is well-crafted and helps convey the uniqueness of the different areas and encounters in the game, making the whole experience that much more memorable.

I went into Hollow Knight thinking it was going to be another crappy Soulsborne copycat, except in two dimensions, much like Salt and Sanctuary (that game had such unenjoyable gameplay and uninteresting setting that I never bothered to finish it... maybe I'll go back to it one day). What I got instead was a very successful metroidvania which only took the best elements of Dark Souls, splicing them in with its own gameplay and style. I haven't played any metroidvania-platformer games, but I can say that the gameplay in this one was wholly enjoyable even without the context of existing games.

The story and setting, much like Dark Souls, don't really call for describing them in words — suffice to say I would recommend you to experience the game first-hand.

Overall, Hollow Knight is a masterfully crafter experience from start to finish, with a few frustrating moments helping spice up what could have otherwise been a pretty monotonous experience. Unlike Dark Souls, the game never really drops in quality, and there's lots of game to be had for any player seeking to experience it (as someone who has achieved 112% completion, I'm not even going to try the fifth panethon). I can't recommend this game enough, really — there are no real negatives I can see to it. It's a masterpiece.

Reviewed on Jan 08, 2022
