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AstrologicalMind reviewed Royal Match
A time waster.

Further details (a "soap opera", if you will - if that's the "correct" terminology; you can ask me on my Discord account, if you will):

I have severe TBI (traumatic brain injury), and I am bored OUT OF MY MIND(!!). So, I play silly games, like this. To pass the time, as my mental torture keeps coming through. ...until it passes...? We'll see...

Most games bore me, sadly. Everything just feels monotonous, right now. So, NOT a 1/2 star rating, because it AT LEAST helps me pass my time. Not successfully... But, it at least, just... passes.

EDIT: After researching on Google; there are over >8,000 levels in this game. Me? I'm at 370. So, I have now adjusted my rating. That game is: 🗑️ (trash)

6 days ago

6 days ago

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